Forget About Configurations And Records With This API
3 min readSep 8, 2022


Do you want to find a good email API where you don’t need to connect SMTP, or validate your domain? You’re in the right place!

How does an email API function? Similar to other APIs, an email API acts as a middleman between an application and a server. A GUI is used by people to interact with the application. By employing programming languages to make API calls, other apps can also communicate directly with the API.

Technically, an application makes a request to the API using one of the endpoints that are indicated in the API description as being available.

Before the server accepts the request, authentication is performed using an API token, and a response is sent using an HTTP status code.

API de email para desarrolladores - Prueba gratuita

Why you should use an email API?

There are a few ways you can send emails from your apps. You could create your own email server, but maintaining it would need resources and staff. An SMTP relay service is an alternative, however due to its simplicity, it lacks sophisticated functionality like dynamic content for emails.

But there is an easier way, you may efficiently integrate email sending into any app by using an API to swiftly and simply access the sophisticated features and capabilities of your email provider. When this is combined with the user-friendly interface your ESP offers, developers may interact with the app without any issues utilizing API calls while marketing teams create email templates in a variety of email editors.

But the real reason why an email API rocks is that it will help you deliver a better customer experience and grow your business!

What are transactional emails and why is it good to use an API for them?

You get a transactional email if you open a new account, make an order, or ask for a password reset.

Although you are already aware with these emails, you might be curious as to how they operate. Additionally, should you be sending transactional emails as a developer, manager, or agency?

A transactional email is one that is automatically sent after a user triggers it. Just consider the standard e-commerce transaction notifications, such as invoices, shipping updates, and reminders about abandoned carts.

Transactional communications are timely and provide receivers with useful information. Typically, they are automated workflows that send HTML email templates with changeable content. Many times, people anticipate receiving the email.

Why do we recommend emailer API?

With this API, forget about tasks that consume your time when emailing is about. With no need to connect SMTP, validate your domain and more, you will be able to start using this API.

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

To easy to use. This API will receive the email address to where the emails will be sent, a title and the message. Just that, and you will be sending your emails right away.

What are the most common uses cases of this API?

Receive notifications of user behavior

You can set a notification system where you will be receiving different notifications depending on the user’s behavior. Be ready to detect if the user is signed up, if they asked for a refund, and if they need to purchase any of your products.

Send OTP (one-time-password) via email

Be able to verify the login of your users by sending them an OTP to their emails. And start making the login page more secure.

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