Gain Insight And Sales Using IP Geolocation API
3 min readFeb 17, 2022

Do you want to know how to get the best out of IP geolocation API? Then check this article!

IP geolocation technology has been around for over a decade. It is utilized all over the world for a number of objectives, the most important of which is marketing. Even yet, there is still a shroud of confusion about what IP technology is and what it can achieve. IP also has a slightly damaged reputation in some businesses, typically as a result of IP data providers giving data that falls short of expectations, leaving businesses disillusioned with the technology’s business potential.

IP geolocation technology allows you to determine the physical location and connection qualities of website visitors based on their IP address. It enables publishers, ecommerce sites, ad networks, and others to offer information that is personalized to the user’s location at the most appropriate time.

The user’s IP address shows the user’s identity, allowing you to find organizations interested in your products or services. IP tracker services may also provide you with contact information for key decision-makers at an organization. This allows you to contact the appropriate firms and individuals inside those organizations in order to generate more valuable leads.

IP geolocation APIs are a strong technology that may significantly improve any organization’s capacity to engage with its online audience. They are critical to completely comprehend some of the fundamental distinctions between solutions and recognize that not all IP data providers are made equal.

Find The Perfect One

APIs may be found online using API-finding tools. Many of them are free to use, but they do not all work in the same way. As a result, you should proceed with caution when picking one, as making the wrong decision might cost you both time and money.

To save time and simplify the process, we strongly recommend that you use ipXapi, one of the best IP geolocation APIs accessible. Because it is linked to several channels, this instrument may provide real-time IP data. The API’s database is updated on a daily basis, with up to 24 database changes each day.

You must perform the following to make advantage of it:

  1. Sign up for an account at
  2. Enter the IP address from which you wish to obtain data.
  3. Send it out and see how many people respond.
  4. Save the API to your computer and use it as needed.

Why ipXapi?

ipXapi has a high level of accuracy when it comes to IP statics. This is because of its large database and extremely user-friendly API. These are linked to a number of well-known ISPs, who regularly give information on new and current IP ranges. Furthermore, the API is regularly updated since it is linked to a huge number of channels that offer real-time IP data.

The infrastructure that supports ipXapi and the ipXapi API has developed to be extremely scalable and efficient after 11 years of continuous optimization, processing between 2 and 3 billion API calls each day. Data coverage is expanding all the time, with ipXapi now supporting over 2 million unique locations in over 200.000 cities worldwide.

Originally published at

