Get High-Quality Logos From Any Website With This API
2 min readSep 7, 2021


There are thousands of problems when creating reports or research different brands. While the result is a robust database that can help improve your business, it’s a tedious task if you do it one by one. Especially if you need all kinds of logos of different brands.

There are several problems with searching for logos one by one. To begin with, you can remove the logo from a page that has it under its license, which brings legal problems. At the same time, you can grab different or similar logos, as well as pixelated ones.

In this technological world, there are tools for everything. There are different APIs to take logos, as well as all kinds of information in the backend of different URLs, all in High-Quality.

Klazify is one of the APIs that meets all these requirements. In addition to being able to categorize all the URLs you put inside the API, Klazify can go to the ends of the internet and find logos of high quality.

Logo API

Klazify pulls a logo from any website on the fly, ensuring that even the most obscure and new sites have a logo. The software allows you to get higher-quality authentic logos in high quality from the website and makes their backgrounds invisible. This allows the logos to be used on any backdrop other than white.

How Klazify Works

The categorization provided by Klazify is great for internet filtering and security applications. They support practically all of the world’s languages as well as all of the domains available.

Klazify will navigate to the requested domain name or URL, collect its content, and determine appropriate categorizations based on a classification taxonomy. IAB V2 Standard, which can be used for 1–1 personalization, marketing segmentation, online filtering, and more. The end result is that the URL or domain can now be placed in a specific category.

Klazify leverages the IAB’s Classification Taxonomy. “Interactive Advertising Bureau” is the acronym for “Interactive Advertising Bureau”. For advertising purposes, they’ve produced a standard set of categories and subcategories.

If you want to make use of Klazify services click here

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