Get in touch with these new startups about to pop up
4 min readFeb 21, 2019


The international Open Data Day on March 2nd is approaching, and thus also the fifth Hackathon of the City of Munich. We started a call and invited startups to present their ideas for a digital Munich and the benefits of data and to engage with the participants. We are pleased to give you an overview of the startups and their variety of ideas as a small update in advance:

Integreat — The app for immigrants

Cities, districts and organizations face the challenge of reducing language barriers, creating transparency and promoting the integration of people with a refugee and migrant background. That’s exactly the goal of Integreat. The startup aims to improve communication and understanding between cultures through digital solutions. For this purpose, the team has developed an app that provides immigrants at the municipal level with all relevant information in their native language. In the keynote speech at the Open Data Hackathon on March 2, the team will give an insight into their digital work for society, highlight the benefits of data and identify opportunities for the Munich administration.

Blitzminds — promoting innovation processes

Blitzminds wants to become the SAP for innovation processes! The startup is digitizing innovation techniques in order to make use of innovations. The team focuses on Design Thinking and Lean Innovation. Through user interviews, prototype testing and other methodological tools, they want to help organizations deliver lean and successful innovations.

C-led Solutions — Join in!

Startup C-led Solutions has come up with something very special for the hackathon and needs your support and that of the whole city in advance!

It’s all about “Speedbag”, a platform designed to deliver opinions and feedback on a specific topic as quickly and easily as possible. At this year’s hackathon, we want to jointly realize an exciting Smart City use case for citizen participation:

The importance of Munich for its population

What touches people? What is valuable for the people in the city? What are you thankful for? What makes Munich not only liveable for Munich?

This may be a charming new business, the sidewalk cleared early in the morning, or a newly renovated well. The aim of the test on the Hackathon on March 2nd is to make the positive pulse of the city come alive and to share it with others.

HawaDawa — The Environmental Experts

The Munich startup HawaDawa is a true environmental expert. The team is already working together with colleagues from the EU project Smarter Together to study the pollution of our city. For this purpose, sensors were integrated into the project’s intelligent light masts, which measure data on fine dust, nitrogen oxides and precipitation. The startup evaluates this information and gives us as a management clues to improve the air quality. Even as a citizen you can access this data with the aid of the Munich SmartCity App.

Smarter City Solutions — Digital Together

Smarter City Solutions is based on the motto “It’s all about people”! The startup wants to help Munich to offer citizens citizen-friendly, digital solutions. To this end, the team is developing software and services to create a digital environment with intelligent services and to make buildings, events, gastronomy and infrastructure smarter. Smarter City Solutions gives an insight into their activities in the context of the factory district.

Betternotsteelmybike — Munich as Radlstadt

Betternotsteelmybike was founded with the aim of making cycling in Munich better, safer and more attractive. Against the background of this vision, the startup has developed the bicycle tracker. This not only protects against theft, it also allows social biking and gives you the chance to compete against other bikers in exciting challenges.

On the basis of collected movement data, the team identifies and eliminates danger spots in the cycling network and works with numerous partners to sustainably strengthen the cycling infrastructure in Munich.

Digital Hub Mobility — A new partner

Last but not the least, we have won Digital Hub Mobility as a new cooperation partner for the Open Data Hackathon. Digital Hub Mobility is part of a Germany-wide initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and is located in Munich in the founding and innovation center of UnternehmerTUM. In the Digital Hub Mobility, companies and start-ups from the mobility and technology sector are joining forces for the first time with the goal of strengthening mobility and innovation and making them attractive in the long term.

Exchanging, networking, collaborating

We look forward to an interesting exchange at the hackathon on 2 March at Plant 1 (Grafinger Straße 6, 81671 Munich). More about the program and the available datasets can be found here in the blog post about the event.

Originally published at

