Get Tech Stack Using An API
3 min readNov 26, 2021

A web or mobile app’s technology stack is a collection of programming languages, frameworks, and tools that developers employ to create it. Client-side (front-end) and server-side (back-end) are the two primary components of any software . Each layer of the program is constructed on top of the one below it, forming a stack.

Your client’s tech stack is represented by that dataset. The SDKs and APIs that it uses to power, monetize, and instrument the app.

Apple and Google don’t exactly make any of this data available, and most developers aren’t usually keen to share it, making this information extremely difficult to get by. As a result, many developers don’t even consider it when analyzing their clients.

Knowing which analytics solution a customer uses might reveal the team’s level of sophistication. Knowing whether an app is developed using native or non-native frameworks might provide you insight into how simple it is to evolve the app or allow you to provide services tailored to the technologies it uses. And that’s only the start!

That’s why we recommend using the Klazify API. One feature that we love (out of all of their available ones) is that it allows you to search up any website’s tech stack.

Why Klazify?

It’s easy integration means that, for example, it can be added to a google spreadsheet easily. However, if you’d rather include it in a website or database, the data comes out of Kazify in JSON formatting. The reason why we love this software is because it’s accurate and reliable.

How to use it?

It’s super simple to use, just pick Objects from its options, and the answer will include Company and Tech data. Company object returns information about the company’s domain and the Tech Object returns the list of technologies that the company uses both internally and for the domain. This is what the part of the answer corresponding to the tech stack looks like:

"tech": [

You can sign up here

What other Features does it have?

categories Returns the list of categories with their names and confidence scores. logo_url Returns the URL of the logo of the domain. Logo URL field could be empty for some domains. social_media Returns the list of links of all the social media channels of the domain. Social media field could be empty for some domains. full_path_url_mode [Optional] Returns true or false depending on if the URL is a full path or not. full_path_url [Optional] Returns the full path URL we use to obtain data from.

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