Get Tin Historical Rates Using An API
3 min readJan 20, 2022

Do you want to get tin historical rates? Make use of APIs!

Tin is a soft, lustrous, malleable, corrosion-resistant metal. This metal is regarded as one of the most important metals in the world. This metal has a role important in many industries because it is used to make glass, solder, and automobile parts.

So, if you are keen on investing in this industry, you should compare prices over time and determine when the best time to invest in this metal is. With the historical rates of tin, you will be able to understand the market and check to see if the price has gone down or up.

The best technology for keeping up with metal pricing is to use an Application Programming Interface (API). An API serves as a go-between for any two machines that must communicate in order to complete a task. An API, which acts as a bridge between you and the service provider, allows you to send and receive requests.

If you don’t know how to get an API, Metals-API is the best solution for your business because it is the most comprehensive method of gathering tin historical rates in real-time. Using this tool will save you money and time.

Follow these steps to obtain tin historical rates:

  1. To obtain your API key, go to
  2. In the website’s list, look for the Tin symbol and currency sign you want to use.
  3. Make the API call after you’ve added metal and money to the list with these symbols. You can use JSON or PHP as a programming language.
  4. The historical rates of most currencies can be traced all the way back to 2019. You can query the Metals-API API for historical rates by appending a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to the basic URL.

The following format should be used to write the request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& base = TIN
& symbols = USD,CAD,EUR

As a result, the end result is as follows:

"success": true,
"historical": true,
"date": "2013-12-24",
"timestamp": 1387929599,
"base": "TIN",
"rates": {
"USD": 1.636492,
"EUR": 1.196476,
"CAD": 1.739516

About Metals-API

Metals-API is the most comprehensive tool for investors, traders, and anyone else interested in purchasing, selling, or trading metals because it allows you to quickly and easily find current global market prices for any metal (including tin and gold). Furthermore, this software collects data from approximately 15 reliable data sources every minute. The prices are obtained from banks and financial. That’s means the data is extremely accurate.

Metals-API comes with a dedicated search engine for locating current pricing data streams for specific components or element combinations. The API is available in JSON and PHP and can be used to perform a variety of programming tasks. Metal prices are obtained from a variety of sources, including Bloomberg, Reuters, and others, as well as futures and options prices that are delayed.

Originally published at

