Google Maps and AI: What’s the future of Google’s flagship application?
2 min readJul 5, 2019


Simultaneous localization and mapping, better known as SLAM, and using Google Maps, has been a massive approach in terms of technological development. This in companies that depend to a large extent on applications related to automatic piloting, such as TESLA and Volvo.

The SLAM that uses Google Maps is a virtual reality application that combines automatic learning and augmented reality based on the field to automatically generate better projections of the environment in a virtual environment.

This application, applied to a context like Google Maps, could definitely be massive, in terms of improvements in the user experience.

In a recent TED talk, in fact, many Google Maps developers confirmed how their maps will largely depend on SLAM. In terms of automatic projections based on data collected by the device itself.

Google Maps is already using a very embryonic form of artificial intelligence in its current maps. Since the algorithm automatically chooses the best route it can take, relying on the different projections of the time frames.

Will be extremely accurate by 2020

By 2020, it can be safely said that it will be extremely accurate, with more meters and data that will be taken into account when creating the final equation. This has been covered by many industry analysts, who affirmed the fact that Google Maps will massively use futuristic artificial intelligence in the next versions of its flagship application.

A very important fact regarding futuristic development technology even in the short term would definitely be related to the location in which it is applied. The United Kingdom has recently been chosen as the summit of technological development in terms of applications that rely heavily on navigation functions.

In fact, some application developers have recently received a massive influx of international clients who wanted to invest in navigation applications that depend on AI and Machine Learning.

Google Maps will actively seek artificial intelligence during the following years. Which will take the entire market to what is probably the next great industry standard in terms of technological development in the field of navigation. It will be an exciting time for the expert Python developer who wants to approach new markets.

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