Highest Paying Mobile Ad networks In 2022

MediaFem Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2022

Do you wish to monetize mobile ads and obtain the highest payment possible? Then check these ad networks!

Ad mediation is used by app developers to connect many ad networks to their app. It works as an ad network optimizer for developers that wish to increase their ad revenue. Furthermore, it automates waterfall optimization depending on publisher-supplied criteria. When an ad request is received, the mediation layer analyzes which ad source would yield the highest CPM for that impression and offers the best ad in that network right away.

The goal of ad mediation is to increase revenue for publishers by optimizing ad monetization and, as a result, improving the quality of advertising presented in each transaction. Publishers are more likely to profit by relocating ad sources and making them compete for inventory.

Isn’t it great? But what does this have to do with mobile apps? When it comes to producing money from your software, you want to have total control over it. Selling and purchasing ad space was exceedingly unorganized and impossible to track prior to the advent of ad mediation technology. In addition, the price was inconsistent, which was far from ideal.

Because of ad mediation, publishers may now control how and to whom they sell their ad inventory. Although the mediation process is normally automated, most systems allow you to modify the waterfall by manually allocating precedence to selected ad networks.

Because there are so many ad mediation systems to select from, it can be tough to choose one that meets your needs. We’ve compiled a list of the top three mobile platforms for this purpose:

1. MediaFem

MediaFem is a 12-year-old ad network that uses programmatic platforms to link content websites with advertisers and then collects a fee based on the software’s on-site income. It has developed a set of adaptive marketing standards that enable each advertising to target individuals who are interested in the information being presented.

MediaFem takes pride in being able to provide marketers with higher-quality content than other ad networks. This system responds fast to ad requests, ensuring that each impression is delivered for the most comfortable viewing experience possible. MediaFem became the firm it is today by providing relevant content and running more efficiently than other ad networks.

2. StartApp

StartApp is a mobile technology business that claims to maximize publishers’ eCPMs, fill rates, engaged users, and income. This is accomplished through the company’s usage of smart data knowledge to route advertisements through programmatic and direct transactions.

StartApp allows you to use interstitial advertising, which means that an advertisement will take over the screen for a brief period of time between two pages or portions of your website or mobile application. Although it is regarded a more obtrusive kind of advertising than standard banner advertising, some have generated considerably better revenue rates utilizing interstitial advertising.

3. InMobi

Appographic targeting is a new method of targeting consumers created by InMobi. Appographic targeting boosts the likelihood of linking consumers with the media and applications that they are most likely to consume. For example, if a user is buying a flight using an app, adverts for hotels and tourism services will show on the user’s screen.

It accomplishes this by basing targeting on the users’ prior and existing apps rather than traditional measures such as demographics or location. Aside from that, InMobi provides publishers with in-app monetization, ad mediation, and audience bidding. It also deals in display, native, and video ad formats for mobile inventory.

Originally published at MediaFem.

