How A Data Enrichment API Can Bring You Better Marketing Results
3 min readMar 3, 2022

Are you looking for a way to get better marketing results? Then try using a data enrichment API!

Nowadays, owing to technological advances, we can do a wide range of tasks with just a piece of software and some scripting. B2B customer data enrichment, which is the process of acquiring more information about a company’s existing clientele, is one of them. This allows you to learn more about your customers and the people to whom you’re sending your message.

It is not uncommon in large firms with several different systems and fragmented information to enhance the information offered by one source with data from another. This is especially prevalent during data migration, when customer information is dispersed across several systems and data from one system is utilized to supplement data from the other, resulting in a more complete data record in the MDM repository.

Furthermore, by improving your data, you will be able to better organize and store all of your consumer information in one location. Data enrichment allows you to create a 360-degree perspective of your consumer while saving you time and effort. There are several internet softwares that may assist you with this, but you should be cautious because not all of them function the same way.

If you’re still confused on how to do this, remember that utilizing an API is your best bet. This is a gadget that connects two computers or programs so that they may communicate with one another. As a result, when you make a request, the API gets information from a location and provides it to you.

How To Obtain An API

The sheer number of APIs available for a wide variety of apps available online may astound you. These may be found on many of the websites we visit on a daily basis. However, not all of them can assist you in improving lead data, so pick wisely to avoid wasting time and money.

To assist you with this and to continue educating you, we will utilize Klazify, which is now one of the most popular and extensively used APIs. This program gets internet information by evaluating a website’s content and meta tags using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a Machine Learning Engine.

To obtain the data, you must first go through the following steps:

  1. Sign up for an API key at
  2. Find and copy any domain in the provided space that you want to categorize. Once you’ve confirmed that you’re not a robot, submit it.
  3. You will then receive the API response in one or more programming languages.
  4. Find and save the desired outcome. You can then utilize it anyway you see fit.

Why Klazify?

This application is useful if you want to create a picture of a brand logo. This may be used for a variety of purposes and can save you a significant amount of time and money by allowing you to obtain any logo from a URL in just a few clicks.

Klazify is a search engine that categorizes webpages and businesses according to their field of competence. Klazify’s goal is to identify, compare, and categorize the best websites on the internet (up to 3 levels). Deep learning techniques are used in their search engine, which are not only more accurate than traditional classifiers, but also more resilient, allowing us to deal with faulty input data.

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