How To Generate Random User Agents With An API
4 min readOct 14, 2022

Have you ever seen the term user agent on any of your websites but don’t know what it refers to? So, the user agent is a field of the HTTP protocol that allows web pages to adjust their code according to the conditions of the visitors. Do you want to know more about what the user agent is and how to get the most out of it in your SEO strategy? We tell you below in How To Generate Random User Agents With An API; In addition, we will share with you User Agent Generator API, a tool that will make the task easier.

User agent, what information does it offer?

The user agent sends the browsers to a web server every time it receives a request that requires a sample of information. So, to put it in a simpler way, it would be the tag that the browser uses as “name”

Through the HTTP header, the user agent provides content related to the browser, the operating system and the version of both. This is what makes sites fit users.

The composition of the user agent is as follows:

User-Agent: < Product > / < Product Version > < Comments >

Along with the data from S.O. and browser, the user agent stores:

Fonts are installed in the browser.
Screen resolution.
The add-ons and extensions.
Time zone.
All this information allows you to better understand who visits your website.

NOTE: Google as a browser intends to modify its user agent to protect the privacy of users. In this way, it would only collect information related to the browser and the query device.

Benefits of the user agent

The great advantage of the user agent is that it allows the correct visualization of the websites, regardless of the browser or the device with which you work. In this way, the sites adapt and meet the demands of users.

As a website owner, the main benefit of the user agent is that you will be able to discover any bugs related to the user experience. And if you also care about SEO (you should), it’s perfect for improving your search engine results.

User agent and SEO: what is its relationship with web positioning

The user experience is increasingly important in SEO positioning. Search engines take into account that users navigate comfortably through the sites and quickly access the information they are looking for.

The user agent, having a direct impact on how you see the web; is especially important in this aspect of SEO. And is that it is a conditioning factor on whether or not users can navigate well.

So, in this sense, to prevent your users from leaving your website; you can modify the user-agent of your website to see how it looks in different browsers and devices; and make the necessary changes and improvements.

User Agent Generator API

So, User Agent Generator API is an extensive database of (325.000+ user agent strings) user-agent strings which are quickly accessible with a simple endpoint. We offer to filter the random results with many parameters such as operating system, device type, and browser. Generate random User Agents with this API for your projects. Be able to scrape or access any website as the User Agent of your choice.

This API will receive the selected device and operating systems of your choice and it will deliver a randomly generated User Agent. After signing up, every developer gets a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to the API endpoint. To authenticate with the User Agent Generator API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.

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Thank You For Reading How To Generate Random User Agents With An API!

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