How To Get Ethanol Rates Using A PHP API
3 min readDec 20, 2021

If you are looking for the best ethanol prices and want to know how to get ethanol rates using PHP, you’ve come to the right place. We got you covered.

Ethanol is a renewable, clean-burning gasoline additive produced from the fermentation of sugar cane and other renewable feedstocks. It decreases our dependence on foreign oil and its use significantly reduces greenhouse gases. These facts make ethanol a worthwhile topic of discussion, especially at this moment in history as we move from dependence on foreign oil to clean alternative fuels.

Ethanol prices and information is a major part of the energy market. Finding ethanol prices is not easy because there are many cities that offer ethanol and they don’t all offer the same price. If you look online you will find many different websites with different rates. The API controls the process to get the price data provided by banks and reliable traders.

If you’re considering investing in anything like this, you should understand how critical it is to stay current with market values. This might be the catalyst for your investments to take a new path. You might end up with terrible results and lose money if you don’t keep an eye on the commodity and how it performs in the market.

If you’re interested in learning more about ethanol and its current price, try using Commodities-API, a programmatic interface that retrieves data from a location and provides it to the person who performed the API call. This is a standard feature on many websites, and it makes things a lot easier when you need to get current information quickly.

The bulk of these answers employ JSON and Python, however, today we’ll focus on PHP.

Why PHP (cURL)?

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a well-known programming language for developing dynamic and interactive web pages. It was one of the first server-side languages to be incorporated into HTML, allowing web developers to easily add functionality to sites without needing to access data from separate files.

Because it is an open-source language, developers can change its structure, so it can be used in any project.

How does Commodities-API work?

The best option is This is a website that allows you to keep track on the prices of a variety of things, including palm oil. This way, you’ll be able to anticipate prices and convert them into the currency of your choice.

This is a highly safe software program since it collects and validates data from banks and the stock market. When you submit an API request, the data is returned to you with a precision of 2 decimal points and in a variety of programming languages. Furthermore, this program secures your connection with bank-grade 256-bit SSL encryption.

The same API endpoints are used for currency and commodity price conversions, and they may convert any amount from one currency to another, one commodity to another, or any currency to any currency.

To make use of it, you must first:

  1. Go to and sign in.
  2. Look for the symbols for Ethanol and your preferred currency.
  3. Insert them both and perform the API request once you have them.
  4. The software will provide you with many responses; look for the PHP one among them.

In PHP, the response will be something like this:

// set API Endpoint and API key

$endpoint = ‘latest’;

$access_key = ‘API_KEY’;

// Initialize CURL:

$ch = curl_init(‘’.$endpoint.’?access_key=’.$access_key.”);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

// Store the data:

$json = curl_exec($ch);


// Decode JSON response:

$exchangeRates = json_decode($json, true);

// Access the exchange rate values, e.g. GBP:

echo $exchangeRates[‘rates’][‘GBP’];

Originally published at

