How To Get Gold Prices In Canadian Dollar With An Api?
3 min readMar 22, 2022

Are you from Canada and want to get gold prices in the currency of your country? Then read this post!

Gold is one of the most well-known precious metals in the world. It is identified in the periodic table of chemical elements with the symbol ‘Au’. It is a little reactive element, chemically classified among the ‘transition metals’. Also, it’s a metal present in the earth’s crust but in small quantities, with a yellowish and shiny hue and which manages to be preserved without undergoing changes thanks to chemical reagents.

Throughout the history of humanity, gold has always played an important role, since it was (and still is) a symbol of wealth, power, glory and triumph. Because of this, it has been used for trophies, jewelry, national emblems, or to support the different currencies of the countries, whose value was initially measured according to the gold reserves of the Central Bank of that country.

Due to its constant rises in the stock market (it grew 54.73% in recent years), many people from different parts of the world chose to deposit their savings in gold. One of these countries is Canada, which has one of the most famous mining companies in the world, Barrick Gold. So if you are Canadian and would like to stay up to date with the latest gold prices in Canadian dollars, you should try this API.

Give Metals-API a try

Metals-API started out as a simple, lightweight Open-Source API for current and historical precious metals rates published by the banks and other companies like Barrick or London Metal Exchange. The Metals-API can give real-time precious metals data via API at an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency as high as every 60 seconds (depending what kind of plan you choose).

In order to get up-to-date prices in Canadian dollars, you will first need to obtain an API key. For this, you will need to choose one of the 7 available plans; don’t worry one of them is free. Each plan has its pros and cons, and of course, the more you pay, the more benefits you’ll get. For example, on the free plan you can only get 1 price update per hour, but the Business Starter will offer 60-second updates instead. One last detail, remember that the prices are annual, not monthly.

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