How To Get Iridium Live Rates Using An API
3 min readMar 28, 2022

Are you trying to figure out how much iridium costs on the spot market? As a result, you should take the time to read this post.

Iridium is one of the world’s rarest metals. It’s the most corrosion-resistant metal element, with resistance to oxygen, water, salts, and acids, and it’s almost as dense as osmium, the world’s densest metal.

Because it is used in all spin electrical devices, including read/write heads that transmit data to and from your computer’s hard disk and emerging magnetic random access memory, or MRAM, which is a higher-performance, energy-efficient alternative to conventional RAM and DRAM, the price of this metal is extremely high.

The future price of precious metals contracts such as silver, bronze, gold, or, in this case, iridium, is referred to as the spot price. After buying or selling a stock at a predetermined price, you cash out. This industry is known for moving at a rapid pace and touching a vast number of people all over the world. As a result, keeping track of their daily rates is critical. In this scenario, the most effective approach to obtain the data is through an API.

What is an API?

It’s a user interface that collects data from a location and transmits it to the one who requested it. It’s really that simple, and you’ll find yourself using it in a lot of different scenarios.

If you wish to trade in this market, you should utilize Metals-API, which is the most renowned API that receives data from over 15 reliable data sources every minute. Among them are banks and financial data providers. As a result, you’ll get a quote that’s quite specific.

Why Metals-API?

Because it allows you to quickly and easily identify current global market prices for any metal, it is the most comprehensive tool for investors, traders, and anyone else interested in buying, selling, or trading metals. Furthermore, Metals-API receives data from roughly 15 reliable data sources per minute. Among them are banks and financial data providers. As a result, you’ll get a very exact price.

Metals-API comes with a dedicated search-engine for locating current pricing data streams for certain components or combinations of elements. The API is available in JSON and PHP and can be utilized for a variety of programming tasks.

How to use it?

1- Your API key can be obtained at

2- Look for the Iridium symbol and currency sign you want to use in the website’s list.

3- Add metal and money to the list with these symbols, then make the API call.

4- As a programming language, you can utilize JSON, Python, or PHP.

Originally published at

