How To Get Rice Prices From Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange
3 min readMay 2, 2022

Are you from Brazil? Would you like to obtain the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange rice rates? If that is your case, we have good news to offer you. Here we will offer you a tool that will make this task much easier.

Rice is known as the plant whose scientific name is Oryza sativa, which is part of the Gramineae family. The fruit of this plant is an edible grain that is called rice. Rice is one of the most consumed cereals on the entire planet. In some Asian countries it is the main food product. Gluten, lysine and starch are some of the substances present in its grains. The usual thing is that the rice is subjected to a process to remove its cover. Grain without such a cover can be stored with little change for long periods.

Rice cooking is also diverse. It can be boiled in water, steamed or fried. The grains also make it possible to produce rice flour, rice milk, rice vinegar, rice noodles, and alcoholic beverages such as sake and rice wine. Among the many benefits that rice has for our health, it should be noted that it is a source of energy that acts almost immediately, helping to maintain the correct levels of sugar in the blood and improving the skin, among other actions. In addition, it is very nutritious, very good for the heart and prevents certain diseases.

If you are a Brazilian businessman, especially from São Paulo, you probably know the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange (BMF), one of the best known in that country and the 13th largest stock exchange in the world. If your wish is to obtain rice prices using this commodity exchange, here we will leave you a service that will simplify your objective. Its name is Commodities-API, the best for commodities rates API.

Why Commodities-API?

This system is a free public API that gives you the opportunity to see the rates of basic products such as cotton, ethanol, natural gas and of course, rice (the raw material you need). One of the sources of this system is the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange. In order to obtain the prices, you just have to go to its website and register. Then, you must choose one of the 3 available plans with monthly prices (not annual). It should be noted that one of those options is completely free, but with certain limits. Don’t worry about advertising, as there is none. Prices are between 15 and 50 dollars.

Another important fact of commodities-API is its ability to provide data with a precision of 2 decimal places and an update frequency of only 60 seconds. But remember, the latter will depend on the plan you choose (free or paid), since each one has its pros and cons.

In case you have any problems or don’t understand something about this system, Commodities-API consultants are online from 10 am to 7 pm ET to help you. Just send a message through the contact form or email and the customer service team will be with you shortly. Urgent requests are usually handled within minutes.

Lastly, prices are available in Brazilian real.

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