How To Increase Image Quality Through An API?
3 min readAug 25, 2022

Do you want to try an API that can easily increase image quality? We have a recommendation for you!

Any business, whether it be in e-commerce, real estate, or photography, revolves around images. In fact, a picture is worth a thousand words and, for a business, a million dollars in sales. However, it can be painful to spend hours taking or making a beautiful photograph for your personal or business requirements, only to watch your audience dismiss it because of its poor quality.

Here, using high-quality photographs can assist you in grabbing readers’ attention, boosting engagement, and boosting revenue.

Pixelated and fuzzy photographs of low quality are unpleasant to view. High-quality images, on the other hand, are incredibly clear, don’t obscure the image’s key components, and successfully express the intended meaning.

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Top 3 reasons high-quality images are important to your business

Build brand & credibility

One of a business owner’s top priorities must be building consumer trust. Posting high-quality photographs relating to your company, products, or services can help develop your brand’s identity and credibility because so many customers utilize websites and social media to make purchasing decisions.

These images showcase your goods, services, corporate goals, and core beliefs. Potential clients will feel more comfortable making a purchase if they can clearly see the size, color, appearance, and characteristics of the goods you’re presenting in your photographs. However, if consumers don’t think your images are seductive enough, they’ll exit the website before making a purchase from your company.

Represent your business

Images are the first thing a customer sees when they visit your website or social media profiles; the description and comments are all secondary. Thus, the first impression that people have of your company, its goods, or its services is greatly influenced by the quality of the photographs you use. This is so that everyone can clearly see the exact message that their brand is trying to portray, including its vision, values, products, services, workplace culture, and more.

Customers may likely choose to ignore your business and go to a competitor if they are not immediately impressed by your images.

Create a brand message for business

Images are extremely memorable for people. After 72 hours, according to research, people only retain 10% of what they heard. However, if you include pertinent photographs in your writing, people will still remember 65% of the material three days later. And that’s exactly what effective images can achieve for the messaging of your brand.

A lengthy text message sent for business purposes has a significant likelihood of not being read. However, if you use graphics for the brand, it will communicate the exact message you’re trying to get through, which might normally take time to do through text.

Why should you try Image Enhancer API?

This API is a tool that assists people to improve the quality of their images. Through several super-resolution algorithms, this API is able to improve how an image looks.

If you have a poor-quality photo, this API will make it look better right away.

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

The user will pass the URL of the image that they want to enhance, and will be receiving a new URL with the improved image.

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