How To Optimize Your Ads For Higher Revenue In 2021
MediaFem Blog
Published in
5 min readMay 10, 2021

Your online publishing company’s heart is your website. As an online publisher, the website serves as the most effective medium for distributing your content to users, allowing you to gain from each impression.

Despite our best intentions, we often see publishers experiencing a sudden fall in revenue, as well as unexpected deductions or pauses. Many firms come to us after being turned down by a demand collaborator. Most people assume that they were working in full conformity when a revenue stoppage occurred because they were unaware of the policies’ complexities.

When we see these falls, we quickly explore all of the possible causes for the slowing profits and then work together to devise a strategy for changing the pattern until it’s too late.

Unfortunately, not every publisher has a partner like us on side to assist them figure out what to do if things go wrong. Options for optimizing a website and its ad units are not universal, in our opinion. What works for one website does not fit as well for yours.

To fix this, we wanted to take a closer look at three highly useful ways to configure your website for maximum growth and overall ad implementation for your users. We hope that this article will help you prevent any unpleasant surprises in the future.

Optimization Of Ad Inventory Revenue

Recognize that it isn’t you; it is just the wrong season.

The summertime is ideal for evaluating what is and isn’t effective. We suggest that you prepare for what is to come as the second half of Q3 approaches and the historically solid Q4 approaches.

One of the main advantages of the fourth quarter is that advertisers appear to maximize their spending during major commercial activities like:

  • Thanksgiving (in the United States)
  • Black Friday
  • Christmas

Surprisingly, brands usually spend less in the first month of the quarter but more in the last month. All of the above Q4 holidays occur at the end of each month (November, December).

Is it true that more advertisements and larger ad sizes equal more revenue?

You can believe that prominently sized ad units on your website fit your content beautifully. Although the high CPMs it may receive each month, the massive billboard may not be the best size for achieving optimum monetization on your platform.

In general, AdSense advises publishers to restrict themselves to 3 ad units per website page. Publishers also exceed the recommended amount with the intention of gaining revenue per impression.

Overcrowding a web page with advertisements can have a negative impact on the customer experience and can affect the following indicators on the website:

  • Bounce rate
  • eCPM
  • RPM

To put it in perspective on how even good advertising will affect the bottom line, consider the following cautionary story.

A website with a set of active advertisements, each with a high CPM, resulting in a high RPM or eCPM. However, this same website can receive fewer revenue than other pages because, as compared to other pages with lower CPMs, the above pages may end up bringing longer usage sessions and more total pageviews by the user, resulting in more revenue aggregated per visit in general in contrast.

Selecting The Best Ad Sizes

For your site, what are the most appropriate advertising formats and the most profitable ad sizes?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, in our opinion.

To begin, you must decide the best ad slot positions on your sites, as well as which places you want to sell at a premium rate and which ad slots can be called secondary units with lower market rates.

Direct selling and programmatic ads would most likely be a part of the monetization approach. When selling ad units programmatically, bear in mind the network policies for monetizing the content on different networks.

Each site has a limit to the number of ad units that can be put on your sites compared to the amount of content that surrounds it. Google, for example, requires that every monetized website contain at least 50% content. Your aim should be to identify the difference between which of these ads can be optimally positioned within your page structure that net the highest CPMs, having the best union between the two for producing the highest return.

A/B Testing Ad Units

To concretely understand the ad size in which position would produce the best return, we suggest advertisers play with a range of ad unit sizes and review different demand sources (SSPs).

Instead of relying entirely on experience to make reasonable strategic choices about their ad units for sales management, a publisher should use A/B research to uncover valuable conclusions about the actions of their ad units using data gathered during the testing.

A/B checking ad units, in our opinion, is a highly useful way to determine an ad unit’s worth, and as a result, this specialized information will dramatically boost ad revenue.

Defining the target or theory you want to show is the first step in every A/B test. Afterwards, instead of measuring the ad RPM of the ad unit, you can test the page and session RPMs to determine how much ad revenue you’re missing out on by placing one ad over another for a certain location on a website.

Many platforms use ads to monetize their websites. You must, however, make the best decision for your business. MediaFem is one of the most popular mobile advertising platforms in 2021. This is a large UK-based platform with over a decade of program monetization experience. Ad codes are used by a lot of websites to encourage users to read more content or to create money from referral traffic on the same domain.

Publishers can use the platform’s sophisticated analytical engine to perform A/B testing, generate smarter reports, and personalize content, both of which are critical for online technology innovation. Publishers can switch between header bidding and the standard One Ad Code solution by using their services. This advertising company provides a number of ad formats, including video, display, mobile, audio, and native.

MediaFem does not charge commissions and pays Net53 based on a 70 percent Rev. Publisher share scheme. Regardless of area, these numbers are provided to all publishers, but they are not averaged. MediaFem is the most popular platform for advertisers and small publishers to make large amounts of money because it has all types of advertisements that are appropriate for the website.

Originally published at MediaFem.

