How to Protect Your Organization From Dangerous Websites
3 min readMar 18, 2022

Are you looking for the simplest way to categorize websites? Read and learn about this useful API for it.

What is Website Categorization?

Website categorization is the practice of classifying websites by their content and purpose. These categories can range from very broad to very specific. It is defined as the practice of classifying websites based on their content and purpose. Website categorization in correlation with other data feeds is mainly used as a cybersecurity tool to examine website credentials or identify malicious domains and sites.

Different Categories:






-Adult content

How Can an Organization Be Protected Against Dangerous Websites?

With an ever-growing number of websites being created on a daily basis, it’s becoming increasingly important for corporations to categorize those websites.

Possible benefits agains threats:

  • This is important for corporations because it allows them to keep track of who their stakeholders are, as well as what type of person/business is visiting their website.
  • It also lets them know what people are searching for and how they’re searching, which helps corporations tailor their site more effectively and become more visible in search engines.
  • Your company may want to block certain categories of websites in order to control what employees can access while they are at work.They also want to be able to control access to certain types of sites — for example, restricting access to shopping sites during business hours.
  • Content filtering, or web filtering, is an essential part of keeping your company’s network safe. You need to make sure that the company’s bandwidth isn’t being used for non-work related things, and that your employees aren’t being exposed to potentially harmful content.


How To Use An API

Taking into account all this information, you should look for an API that can help you in categorizing websites. Choosing the wrong one can cost you time and money, so we strongly recommend you try Klazify, one of the most complete APIs available.


1. Sign in to to acquire the API key.

2. Find the company’s URL and paste it into the provided field, then confirm that you are not a robot and submit it.

3. You will then receive the API response in one or more programming languages.

4. Look for and save the desired result. You can then utilize it how you see fit.

How confident is this API?

Klazify is one of the most effective solutions for obtaining your logo via API. This software will be classified into various categories in real-time, including location, market category, country, logo, and apps. It examines webpage text and categorizes it into 385+ probable topic groups using the IAB V2 standard. This API is real-time, so you’ll always have the most up-to-date social network links. The JSON, Python, and PHP Curl formats of the API response make it simple for developers.


How To Get Companies Logos In High Resolution Using An API —

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