How To Use An API For Contact Enrichment
3 min readJan 14, 2022


Do you wish to enrich your customer’s contact data? Then use an API!

The data we receive about our leads is frequently subpar and does not provide us with adequate information to work with. Non-enriched leads are those in which we merely have an email, a name, and perhaps the age group of our lead. This is insufficient to launch a focused marketing strategy that will give relevant information and efficiently convert leads.

To make matters worse, data becomes outdated and frequently contains inaccurate information about our leads in the first place. As a result, data enrichment has become a critical step in increasing the economic value of our lead data, especially contact enrichment.

These solutions are used in any organization when there is a requirement for more detailed data and improved client specifics. For example, you have a list of titles from several firms. Your understanding of each position, however, is limited: you don’t know their true demand for your service or product, their tech stack, or their employment status.

So, how do you get this enrichment? Well, it’s quite easy, you can use an API. This stands for Application Programming Interface, and it is a software mediator that allows two apps to communicate with one another. An API is used every time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone.

Where To Find An API

This technology is actually extremely easy to find. You can hire a professional to make it for you or you can choose a more direct and affordable option: use a software that provides you with. There are hundreds of these available online, however, every single one works differently and can give you amazing results or the opposite.

This is why you need to do research before using a service. To help you save time and money and to explain better how this works we will be using Klazify, one of the most popular and used APIs at the moment. This application employs Natural Language Processing (NLP), which allows the website to detect online information, as well as a Machine Learning Engine to analyze the content and meta tags of a website.

You must do the following to receive the information:

  1. Log in to to obtain an API key.
  2. Find any text you wish to categorise and copy it into the given area. Submit it once you have confirmed that you are not a robot.
  3. The API answer will then be delivered to you in one or more programming languages.
  4. Locate and save the desired outcome. You can then use it anyway you see appropriate.

More About Klazify

Klazify is a search engine that categorizes webpages and businesses based on their specialties. Its objective is to find, compare, and categorize the best websites on the internet (up to 3 levels). Their search engine uses deep learning algorithms that are not only more accurate than other classifiers, but also more robust; this means we can deal with incorrect input data. Our API determines the confidence level, which shows Klazify’s level of faith in the classification. It can vary from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating high confidence and 0 indicating full uncertainty.

Using the IAB V2 Standard Classification taxonomy, this API connects to a specific site or URL, gets data, and then categorizes it into over 385 separate categories for one-to-one customization. Because of Klazify’s domain classification, customers may easily supply services such as Internet filtering, subscriber statistics, advertising networks, and fraud protection.

Originally published at

