How To Use An API To Increase Email Open Rates
3 min readSep 27, 2021


Email marketing is not dead at all. In fact, this channel of communication is the most preferred by customers to get information about companies. Also, about half of B2B marketers assure that this is the most effective way for content marketing success

Moreover, 99% of consumers check their emails daily.

After all, here are some main benefits of email marketing:

Traffic and SEO improvement: actually, by a catchy email and a clear Call To Action, your customer will be glad to go to your website. As a result, your audience will be engaged and your SEO will increase.

Raising the value you provide to your audience: Because you can give value even when clients aren’t making a purchase, this is an excellent way to cultivate loyalty. More people will pay attention if you deliver value, and your ROI will increase.

Last but not least, the customization provided by email marketing strategies is, by far, what will give you more profit.

Why? Because people love to receive mail that suits their hopes and expectations.

In fact, emails with the customer’s first name in the subject field receive a higher clickthrough rate than those without.

Therefore, if you already have a database with emails, you should definitely enrich it and take advantage of the information in it. is the greatest API for domain and data enrichment.

Using the Zyla Classification API and their email addresses, you can look up information about people and companies. Any email address can be used to build a complete personal profile. The Zyla API allows you to search for personal and commercial information by entering an email address or a domain name.

You can also use the domain name to look for a company’s address, phone number, or logo. Get complete context on every lead, contact, and account in your company’s universe to drive conversion wins and insights at scale.

How Does It Work

Zyla Text analyzes a document and creates a list of content categories for the text it contains.

For instance, the Zyla Company Classification API inputs a URL and outputs information about the company category. This API looks at a webpage and assigns it to one of 385+ topic groups.

As a result, this system can be used to arrange and find information in an email, a firm, or a website. You may get its entire name, avatar, address, company size, logo, and category with just one email.

Zyla can be used to:

Content classification: Zyla Text scans a document and generates a list of content categories based on the text it contains.

Data Capture at Scale: With Zyla Text, data capturing at scale is easier, and document processing costs are lower.

Customer profiling: You may turn each customer’s email or domain into an enriched corporate profile and industry with Zyla Text.

Web Filtering and Fraud Detection: Zyla Text classifies billions of domains using powerful machine learning. Our API examines a company’s website and divides it into 385+ categories (IAB V2 standard).

Organize items into main groups: The class of a specific object in an image is predicted by Zyla Image.

Originally published at

