Improve Your Ship Database With This Amazing API
4 min readSep 19, 2022

Have you been trying to track a vessel for a while now but its database is not up to date or some other problem is on the way? We assure you that it will not be an issue any longer. Thanks to Vessel Traffic Information API, you can improve your ship database as well as others’ data! We encourage you to employ this API and give it a try.

What is this miraculous API?

We presented you with a solution to all the troubles you could have been through in the past. Issues with language, time zones, security, change of routes, locations or information on the ship, all that and more details are going to be retrieved to you in seconds. Vessel Traffic Information API gives you all the information about any globally on-board vessels or by the range of area. You can easily access and see the list of all these vessels just by picking the right endpoint for you to use. Not only can you get complete information about an individual ship but it also provides you with photos of them! Basically, with this new API, you can get in just a second all the information that exists. It all is up to date so that your business does not suffer any harm.

How does this ship database API work?

First of all, you just have to sign up, get an access key and then you can pick which package is what fits you best. Nonetheless, we will explain all three things in the following paragraphs, for now, we will explain how to use the endpoints.

Once you get your access key, you will gain entrance to the endpoints. These are the place where you can put either a ship ID, a geo-location or a ship name. Firstly, you can get vessel data by a SHIP ID. That will retrieve a list of information for a ship. Secondly, you will get a vessel simply by GEO LOCATION. This will return all the available vessels within a 300 nautical miles radius when you pass latitude and longitude. Thirdly, and last, Vessel Traffic Information API will get you a vessel data by its SHIP NAME. You will be retrieved a list of information related to any ship searching by ship name.

By getting Vessel Traffic Information API you will have access to any ship database!

Vessel Traffic Information API will retrive you parameters like ship number, latitude, and longitude. All these details will compose a list of all the vessels that are located in that area. Get information like destination port, departure port, information about the ship, its max draught, how long it is, and more. This API’s services offer great help to any person who works in companies that want to track the vessel’s routes. It is also ideal to enrich your databases with as many information related to any ship that can be found. Besides, if you want to check where your ship is located at any moment, this API is the one you need. You can detect how many vessels are in a specific area, retrieve technical information, where the vessel has been built, the flag, get the triangular position, when its estimated to arrive to its arrival port, and more do all of that and get many detailed data about any vessel.

Any extra information?

If you read this article and decide to employ Vessel Traffic Information API, remember these three steps. You will have to sign up, get a unique code and subscribe. First of all, you must sign up. This is a very brief step that requires for you to complete a short form. The second step would be getting the unique code, which is an access key to enter the endpoints. Lastly, subscribing. You can pick between three different plans. Firstly, there is the “Basic” plan, which costs $24.99 USD a month and offers 1,000 requests. Secondly, you have the “Pro” plan, which includes 10,000 requests a month for $49.99 USD. Thirdly, the las plan is the “Plus” plan, which provides you with 100,000 requests a month for $99.99 USD. All plans are budget-frienldy so that everyone can have access to it without difficulting other projects. Moreover, if none of these plans are what you have in mind you can customize your own package.

If you find yourself with any questions or troubles, contact us! You can quickly contact us via online, through our chat channel or email. We are always online from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m (GMT+1), so you will receive immediate answers between these hours. If you reach us before or after that time, we will be in contact when we are back. Do not forget about email which is

Vessel Traffic Information API’s page

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