Integrate The Brazilian Company Identification API And Boost Your CRM
4 min readMay 23, 2023

A robust and effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is crucial for businesses to manage customer interactions and enhance overall efficiency. By integrating the Brazilian Company Identification API into your CRM, you can unlock a range of benefits and optimize your customer data management. Let’s explore how integrating this API can help boost your CRM capabilities.

Invest In A Brazilian Company Identification API

Accurate and Up-to-Date Company Data: The Brazilian Company Identification API provides real-time access to reliable company information based on their CNPJ numbers. By integrating this API into your CRM, you can ensure that your customer database is populated with accurate and up-to-date company data. This includes details such as business name, legal nature, address, and more. Having reliable information at your fingertips enables better decision-making and enhances the overall effectiveness of your CRM.

Enhanced Customer Profiling: Integrating the Brazilian Company Identification API enriches your customer profiles within the CRM. By automatically populating company details and attributes, you can gain a deeper understanding of your customers and tailor your interactions accordingly. This includes analyzing industry, legal status, financial data, and more. Such insights enable personalized communication, targeted marketing campaigns, and improved customer engagement.

Improved Compliance and Risk Management: The Brazilian Company Identification API assists in compliance and risk management within your CRM. By verifying CNPJ numbers, you can ensure that you are working with legitimate and compliant entities. This integration helps minimize the risk of engaging with fraudulent companies or those with a history of non-compliance. Maintaining a compliant database aligns with regulatory requirements and safeguards your business from potential legal and reputational risks.

Seamless Workflow Automation: Integrating the Brazilian Company Identification API enables seamless workflow automation within your CRM. With real-time data retrieval and updates, you can automate processes such as customer onboarding, data validation, and compliance checks. This streamlines operations reduces manual errors, and improves overall productivity. By automating routine tasks, your team can focus on strategic initiatives and delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Check CNPJ Lookup API

Enhance your CRM capabilities and streamline your customer relationship management processes with the CNPJ Lookup API. By integrating this powerful tool into your CRM system, you can enrich your customer data with essential company information based on their CNPJ numbers. Gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers’ business profiles, including company name, legal nature, CNAE, address, and more.

This enriched data allows you to segment and target your customer base more effectively, personalize your communication, and tailor your offerings to their specific needs. By leveraging the CNPJ Lookup API, you can ensure that your CRM database is accurate, up-to-date, and enriched with valuable insights. Maximize the efficiency of your sales, marketing, and customer support teams by providing them with the information they need to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Boost your CRM capabilities and take your customer relationships to new heights with the CNPJ Lookup API.

How To Get Started With CNPJ Lookup API?

  1. First, go to CNPJ Lookup API and click the “START FREE TRIAL” button.
  2. After joining Zyla API Hub, you will be able to utilize the API!
  3. Make use of the API endpoint.
  4. Then, perform an API call by clicking the “test endpoint” button and seeing the results appear on the screen. Next, we will show you an example of this:

If you enter the company’s CNPJ (in this example, “33000167/0956–50”) into the “GET COMPANY DATA BY CNPJ” endpoint. Then, the API will return the following data:

"status": true,
"mensagem": "",
"dados": {
"cnpj": "33000167/0956-50",
"razao_social": "CAIXA ECONOMICA FEDERAL",
"nome_fantasia": "CEF MATRIZ",
"data_criacao": "03/02/1971",
"natureza_juridica": "2011 - EMPRESA PUBLICA",
"cnae_principal": "6423900 - Caixas econômicas",
"data_situacao": "03/11/2005",
"situacao": "Ativa",
"porte": "Demais",
"capital_social": "R$,00",
"endereco": {
"logradouro": "SETOR BANCARIO SUL QUADRA 04",
"numero": "34",
"complemento": "BLOCO A",
"bairro": "ASA SUL",
"cep": "70092900",
"uf": "DF",
"municipio": "BRASILIA"

"documento_socio": "***633087**",
"data_entrada": "28/07/2020",
"qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"
"documento_socio": "69550301168",
"data_entrada": "24/09/2020",
"qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"

If you want to learn more, read The Role Of A CNPJ Consulting API In Financial Services

Originally published at

