Latin America Summary: Blockchain Academy of Mexico offers 5 races, Acciona startup accelerator arrives in Chile
3 min readDec 31, 2019


This week, among the most outstanding news of the Latin American crypto and Blockchain ecosystem, now, Santander bank customers in the subcontinent will be able to send money to the US through the Ripple remittance service, the bank announced Monday. In Panama, the point of sale provider, PundiX allied with Chanzilla to allow merchants to pay in Bitcoin.

Also, in Venezuela, the Traki store has partnered with the same sales point provider to take the crypto payment device to stores in the country.

The organizers of the Uruguay Blockchain Summit announced that the second edition of the event will be held in Montevideo next month. For its part, Peru adopts the Blockchain to optimize electric power payments, while in Brazil, Deputy Aureo Ribeiro wants to hold an audience to discuss the cryptocurrency of Facebook, Libra.

The Ministry of Industry of the province of Misiones, Argentina, announced plans to create a cryptocurrency to process urban waste.

Blockchain Academy in Mexico offers careers and courses

The educational space focused on Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is offering 5 different careers and will teach 9 courses in September. Two of the careers are focused on the new business models and legal advice, and the other three focus on the technical or programming area.

Meanwhile, the workshops have different themes: aimed at entrepreneurs, lawyers, business area, smart contracts, dApps, Hyperledger solutions, among others. In addition, the academy also has different monthly events, including the Blockchain Professional Week.

Founded in 2018 by Anthony Chávez and Marco Muñoz, Blockchain Academy operates from the BBVA tower in Mexico City. The space aims to formalize knowledge in Blockchain and counter financial misinformation around cryptocurrencies.

Startup accelerator arrives in Chile

The startup accelerator program of the Spanish company Acciona Energía arrives in Chile. The innovation platform called I’MNOVATION is making its way through Latin America and will arrive in September in the Andean country.

The objective is to promote the development of solutions with disruptive technologies — such as Blockchain — in startups of the subcontinent. Acciona will select and finance the best startup proposals, who will have the opportunity to work on the development of pilot projects with the company.

This program started in Spain in 2017 and since then more than 300 startups have participated. The general director of Innovation and Technology of Acciona, Arantza Ezpeleta, commented on the initiative:

The wealth of Chile’s entrepreneurial ecosystem is an opportunity to find solutions to future challenges and an ideal platform to create an innovation pole in Latin America.

Brazil uses Blockchain for the energy sector

Brazil is advancing in the energy market with the use of Blockchain and other technologies. EDP ​​Brasil, one of the largest electric utility companies in the country, is developing a Blockchain application.

In an interview with BNamericas, the company explained that it wants to launch an application backed by Blockchain technology to negotiate distributed solar energy. The application is being developed since May in cooperation with Accenture in an energy laboratory in the Recife region.

The company’s director of innovation, Lívia Brando, commented on the project:

We will develop a platform based on Blockchain technology to sell solar power generation quotas from power plants remotely connected to homes.

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