Latin America: The most interesting scenario for blockchain
3 min readOct 2, 2019


This week, among the most outstanding news of the crypto ecosystem in Latin America, Mexico announced several advances in Blockchain: 6 banks in the country joined the J.P. Blockchain network. Morgan Chase; Meanwhile, the Blockchain Academy launched its beta version of digital document certification. In addition, Monterrey residents will be able to enjoy a Blockchain event aimed at the business sector on September 27.

In Venezuela, President Maduro ordered the adoption of Petro for financing housing projects. For its part, the crypto exchange Huobi announced its entry into Argentina, with the launch of a local exchange.

On the other hand, Chile celebrated its national holidays with the celebration of a traditional fair inspired by digital currencies; along with the startup of the South American country, Belinus, launched a token for the renewable energy trade.

Crypto Fest in Argentina

The America’s Blockchain Association Foundation will hold a crypto and Blokchain festival in Córdoba, Argentina. The educational event will be presented on September 27 and 28 at the Buen Pastor and in the Parque de las Tejas.

The Argentine Crypto Fest will have the participation of different experts and members of the Blockchain community of the country and the Latin American region. Admission will be free and will feature talks and conferences on topics such as trading, mining and legality, among others. The event will also feature a hackathon aimed at students, developers and technologists, which seeks to promote the creation of solutions with the technology behind cryptocurrencies.

This initiative has the support of the Government of Córdoba, the NGO Bitcoin Argentina, the UTN Córdoba and other Blockchain ventures.

Brazil hospitals adopt Blockchain

The hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, are joining a program with Blockchain technology that will allow to record the patient’s health history. As reported by a local media, several medical centers in the region, including the Perinatal, the Cittá Eye Center, Coloprev and the Vitta Check-up Center, joined the Tria health platform.

The startup Tria was born in 2016 driven by the international accelerator, and this month launched its mobile application. Its objective is to create a network within the health system to strengthen the relationship between doctor and patient. To do this, it records various data on the patient’s health history, making it available to doctors and health instances in the Blockchain.

“All the data of each patient that integrates the system are encrypted and stored in a blockchain, all to guarantee the security of this data. The idea is to expand the solution so that the patient can have control of these data”, explained the representative of Tria, AnnaLídia de Moraes.

Uruguayan government incorporates Blockchain

The Uruguayan government is working for the General Directorate of Registries (DGR) to incorporate blockchain technology in the near future. This was reported by Gonzalo Varalla, founder of the Uruguayan Blockchain solutions company, PoweLedgers, to El Observador media.

Although Varalla commented that he cannot provide details in this regard, he said that the company works together with Agesic to create a system with the DRG technology. In addition, he stressed that the agency plans to have the system before the end of this year and that it will be like “a kind of paperwork highway”.

The DGR is a government agency for the registration of legal persons, associations, heritage, marriage, and other public registration procedures. Now, with Blockchain, the agency can have an immutable, transparent network that can be interconnected for other institutions and state agencies.

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