startup300 is still getting many investors
3 min readApr 16, 2019


At the end of January, the investor network was the first startup on the Vienna Stock Exchange (as Trending Topics reported). At that time, the reference price was 10.00 euros. On Wednesday, the price fell temporarily to 5.88 euros and the end of March, the shares had reached their all-time low at 5.52 euros (27.3.). On Thursday morning he is currently at 6.12 euros.

“Startup300 shareholders, who were there from the start, can also get quite interesting profits at a price of about six euros,” says startup300 founder Bernhard Lehner on demand from trending topics.

“The fact that the price of the stock is currently below the starting price around 70 days ago is a current snapshot. I can see that very calmly. Stock market is a marathon, not a sprint. It will be interesting, where our price will be in one or two years. “.

No “active care of investor relations” yet

Lehner thinks that private investors still need some time to familiarize themselves with the stock: “We have not even begun to actively take care of investor relations and therefore we are still hard to put in a drawer for new investors and the capital market.” ,

Basically, however, Lehner is satisfied with the liquidity of the share: “Since the listing on January 21, around 180,000 shares in startup300 AG, or around ten percent of the company, have been traded. Of course, shareholders must have sold for it — and new people have become shareholders or shareholders have increased “.

Further acquisitions planned

The shopping pleasure of the ecosystem does not detract from the price slide. It will hit the consulting agency The Minted (Trending Topics reported) and has kept an eye on the Hungarian startup Be-innovative. The most recent catch Conda is not even fully paid.

On November 14, 2018, startup300 AG acquired around eleven percent of Conda and its five subsidiaries. Startup300 is contracted to acquire the remaining 89 percent interest until May 2019. Of the 89 percent, 76 percent are acquired through contribution in kind and 13 percent through share purchases. The transaction was based on an issue price of € 11.57 per startup300 share.

How to set the stock price for transactions

For the recently announced acquisition of The Minted, the share price was set at 10 euros. “Both contracting parties accept a price that they consider appropriate and that corresponds to the value that they both at least attach to the share,” explains Lehner.

“There are many factors priced in, for example the expected synergy effects and the expected market development, and we implemented a capital increase of around 2.8 million euros at the end of 2018 at this price, which we continue to refer to”.

Startup300 is also planning to secure 51 percent of its brand. The Hungarian Startup Startup is active in the field of Gamified Ideation Process and operates a digital platform with which the innovation process of companies should be accelerated. The purchase price should be 300,000 euros.

This corresponds to the anticipated annual sales of Be-novative for the financial year 2019. The innovative Zrt has a subsidiary with its head office in the USA, Be-novative Inc. Singularity University, a private educational institution in Silicon Valley, holds one percent of this.

startup300 is an investor in trending topics. We at Trending Topics do not have shares from startup300.

Originally published at

