Take Advantage Of Digital Marketing Taxonomy With This API

3 min readSep 2, 2022

A digital marketing taxonomy is a classification system that helps marketers to better understand the different types of content they can create, and where they should publish it. Digital marketing taxonomies are usually created by the marketers themselves, and they are usually built by analyzing different content types. In order to create a good digital marketing taxonomy; marketers have to analyze what their target audience is interested in and what keywords they use when searching for information about their products or services. They also need to find out how people interact with different types of content on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Keep reading Take Advantage Of Digital Marketing Taxonomy With This API, we will share with you IAB Tech Lab’s Content Taxonomy, the best tool to improve your taxonomies.

What is taxonomy?

Taxonomy is the classification of a set of things, words or phrases, and concepts in order to organize data or information. Or, as the RAE would say, it is the science that deals with the principles, methods, and purposes of classification.

It can be carried out to structure and classify some object; be it biological or in technological fields, such as a website. Hence, the importance of web taxonomy is discussed for its ability to execute structures; to organize the presentation of a web page.

To do this, it distributes and branches the information into various categories and subcategories; thus establishing a hierarchy that facilitates navigation; which, of course, improves the user experience.

If we refer to the field of a website, it is necessary to take an SEO taxonomy approach; thus the purpose of this technique is to analyze the frequent search patterns of users; studying the keywords and the associated ones thereby offering hierarchical and specific taxonomies for your search and that can be found more easily.

Application of taxonomy in digital marketing

Starting from the previous point, the taxonomy in marketing finds its application in the creation and organization of schemes, classifying this by title and folders, as well as its labeling.

A taxonomy in digital marketing is useful for the optimal management of content strategies; and also for the efficient development of objectives. Likewise, it is of great help to establish the priorities of a project and execute, in the same way, audits on it.

In short, with a digital marketing-oriented taxonomy, users’ web searches will make more sense and will be easier. In addition, it will provide a sense of order and neatness and will most likely engage with the content. And, as you know, a highly visited page is beneficial for a successful marketing and SEO strategy.

Check Text Classification IAB Taxonomy

The Content Taxonomy has evolved over time to provide publishers with a consistent and easy way to organize their website content. For example, to differentiate “sports” vs. “news” vs. “wellness” material. IAB Tech Lab’s Content Taxonomy specification provides additional utility for minimizing the risk that content categorization signals could generate sensitive data points about some things. Some examples are race, politics, religion, or other personal characteristics that could result in discrimination.

What are this API’s most typical use cases? Companies that need to categorize a lot of data can benefit from using this API. Thus, by categorizing the text, you will be able to collect it. Additionally, perfect for marketing companies that wish to take data from the internet and categorize it. Additionally beneficial for categorizing phrases or catchphrases, IAB standards will provide precise classification.

If you want to know more about this API we recommend…

Classify Any Text You Want And Improve Your Business With This API

Thank You For Reading Take Advantage Of Digital Marketing Taxonomy With This API

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

