Take Control Of Your Network Security: Implementing An IP Security API

3 min readJan 8, 2023

Are you looking for a way to protect your network? If you are concerned about this problem, the best way to protect your network and your clients is to use an IP security API. This is an amazing tool that is used by many companies around the world. If you want to know more, just read this post!

Each and every one of our connected devices can be tracked. Therefore, protecting your IP address and restricting the IPs that have access to your network is essential for the security of your information. Protecting your network and internal services is one of the most important security strategies for the success of your company. IP stands for Internet Protocol. IP addresses are responsible for identifying all devices and networks connected to the Internet. This is unique to your computer or server and is discoverable while it is on.

It is important that your IP is not available to everyone, because if it is, you expose yourself to hackers knowing how to find you. In addition to that they can steal your information and download or do illegal things with your address. If you hide your IP or block access from anyone seeing it, your network will be more secure. Therefore, it is important that you keep connections and digital assets restricted to secure your network. In order to do that, IP security APIs are the best options available on the internet.

If you are looking for an IP security API, we have the answer. This platform called ipXapi is one of the most used in the world and offers one of the most complete services in IP security and IP geolocation. You will see all the details below.

Take control of your network security by using ipXapi!

ipXapi is a service that is helping many companies around the world. In fact, world-famous companies are already enjoying the benefits of this API. Some of these companies are Cloro, Shopify, Looka, News UK, and Name Cheap, among other clients. These clients trust this API for the accuracy of the data. This API has information from 2 million unique locations in over 200,000 cities across the globe. You should even know that the database used by this amazing service is updated regularly, with up to 24 database updates per day. The level of precision in the IP data is impressive.

However, one of the reasons companies choose ipXapi is security. This API offers a security service that will benefit your network and protect it with the latest technology in computer security. Thanks to this service, you will be able to detect proxies, trackers, and tor users; You will also be able to execute geographic restrictions. In short, there are many functions and if you want to find out more information, we advise you to read the API documentation. There you will find all the important data on how to use this API.

If you are still not sure about using this API, you should know that there is an incredible offer! There is currently an offer for a 90% discount on the first month. For example, in the PREMIUM plan, instead of paying $300 per month, you will only pay $30 in the first month! This will help you to verify the good service offered by ipXapi.

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

