Text redaction with a fast paraphrasing API

3 min readApr 25, 2022

Do you need a superfast method to write texts? Are you looking for a tool to incorporate into your writing software? We have a fast paraphrasing API to help you!

The institution you’re working for demands too many articles on the products they sell. Or you’re a critic of art or cinema, and many sites and papers ask you for a review of the same movie. At some point, you don’t know how to communicate the same opinion in different ways. And you care a lot that the articles look original and elaborated. After the third article on the same movie premiered last Thursday, you ran out of ideas, and you get crazy.

Luckily, by the time you calm down, there’ll be a solution waiting for you. You can incorporate it on your computer or the program utilized for writing, so you’ll be able to open it up at any moment. A possible option, innovative and simple, can be an API, which is a circuit with the specific function of paraphrasing and maybe some more.

If you never read or heard about them, keep reading. It’s easy to learn how these APIs work and they bring many solutions in a few minutes or seconds.

fast paraphrasing API

Try Plaraphy, a fast paraphrasing API

It wasn’t that long ago when a tool like this seemed impossible to exist, and you found yourself begging for a miracle. Now it’s here, and it doesn’t occupy memory from your device. Also, if you prefer that way, you can add it like an extension to your server’s options. The only unavailable option, for now, is the mobile app, but if you have something with the internet, it isn’t necessary. You can see the offers here: https://plaraphy.com/.

fast paraphrasing API

Many ways of using a fast paraphrasing API like Plaraphy

Though you have a free alternative on their site to begin, if you need to paraphrase too much daily, we suggest getting a subscription with a monthly cost. It will give you more characters to use that renovate every month and more requests to paraphrase whatever you need. Plaraphy has two plans: the Pro and Ultra, which may help.

Nevertheless, if it’s a job requirement, maybe you can suggest to your supervisor that the company you work for subscribes to the Enterprise plan. That kind of plan has no limits on daily requests and has specific team support due to the high demand. If some of your co-workers could use an API like this and will make everybody more efficient, perhaps it’s something to discuss and hire. Anyway, if the demand decrease, they will be able to downgrade the subscription when the last days of the month arrive.

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Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

