The Best API For Supply Chains Of Metals
3 min readNov 13, 2022

Do you have a metal supply chain company? Do you need to find out the prices of metals to calculate the expenses and profits of your company? Well, in this case, this precious metals API will help you with what you need! It is the best internet service! You will find more info here!

A supply chain is the set of activities, facilities and means of distribution necessary to carry out the process of selling a product in its entirety. That is, from the search for raw materials, their subsequent transformation and even manufacturing, transport and delivery to the final consumer. In other words, the supply chain is a strategic and logistical function that involves all the operations that are essential for merchandise to reach the final customer in optimal conditions. In the supply chain, agents are related at different levels of production.

The main objective of the supply chain is to satisfy the needs of the final customer in the best possible way. It is responsible for delivering goods and services on time, avoiding unnecessary losses or shrinkage, optimizing distribution times, proper inventory and warehouse management, establishing adequate communication and coordination channels, and also dealing with unforeseen changes in demand, offer or other conditions. The supply chain is not always the same, its form and the activities it includes depend on the good or service that we are analyzing.

There are many supply chains of various types and one is the one that is responsible for trading metals. These companies sell very expensive products in large quantities. Therefore, every price change can mean millions in profit or loss. Therefore, it is important to use Metals — API to prevent this from happening to your metals supply chain. We assure you that this API is the best of its kind and you should use it today!

Metals — API is the best option for supply chains of metals

Imagine that you have to trade many tons of metals such as iron, copper, aluminum, steel and many more. On certain occasions, prices tend to change suddenly due to external factors such as climatic crises, wars, economic crises, etc. So, if the price falls, your company would lose millions of dollars. It is impossible to avoid this, therefore the only option is to prevent it with the fastest system of all, Metals — API. This platform will offer you updated prices provided by world-renowned companies. If you work in metals, surely you know the London Metal Exchange (LME). Well, Metals — API gets metal prices from LME!

In addition, this system is so fast that in just a few seconds you can get updated information. No kidding, it only takes 60 seconds to update the prices again. This is possible thanks to the latest technology from Metals — API. You can even see the prices in USD, Euros, Canadian or Australian Dollars, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan, Indian Rupees, and many more legal tenders!

This platform has several endpoints, each one with different functionalities, which you will use depending on the moment. For example, the Latest rates endpoint will give you the latest prices of the metal. Instead, the Historical rates endpoint will provide you with historical data for a metal. And like those endpoints, there are many more. Therefore, we recommend that you read the complete API documentation available on the website.

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