The Most Powerful Upcoming Worldwide Gigs Tracker API On This Year
3 min readOct 25, 2022


Are you crazy about rock, pop or latin music? Regardless of the genre, it would be a shame not to keep an eye on upcoming concerts. Do you have an idea how many concerts are scheduled throughout the world every year? You must keep track of gigs by super-stars or by small-town musicians, in Europe or America. You need to rely on a schedule that is constantly being updated so that you, gig goer, and you, businessman, can count on the time to plan and get ready for the event of your interest.

So whether you are part of an audience or part of the business behind a gig, you need plan beforehand to avoid overlapping of events, and to attend the concert of your interest, accurately planned for more profitability. You need to be aware of the public insights about venues, locations and geographies that concern your commercial activity, as well as to understand the demand for upcoming events, expected attendance and genres of the events. Likewise the proximity to a venue and how a gig can impact on your business are also relevant to you.

You can run a transportation business in which case you must arrange and guarantee that all needs of the audience will be covered, to arrive at the venue and to get back home when it finishes. Or else you can manage a restaurant near the stadium and must know the impact of the events in that venue to foresee how much staff and stock you need for the occasion. Or you can be just a music fan who needs to predict transportation, attendance, and even ticket price as well as all necessary information to be ready for the event. In all cases you must rely on a resource that provides all the information.

Zyla`s Music Gigs and Concerts Tracker API is a platform that connects other subsidiary APIs to render all the information you need. You can trace events by the artist`s name (Concert by Artist Tracker API), or by location (Concert by Location Tracker API); you can retrieve information about gigs (Gig Retrieving Information API) or plan beforehand (Given Time Range Gig and Concert Tracker API or Upcoming Concerts Worldwide Tracker API). All this software is at your service by means of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to generate algorithms that make your tracking easy-peasy. You can track or else set up notifications according to parameters like location, genre, time range, etc.

These APIs render a full panorama of upcoming events. It would be impossible to gauge important concerts manually, as it would be costly and inefficient. You cannot track or make visible all the events coming up soon in your town, surrounding areas and throughout the world. Visibility of upcoming gigs guarantees planning and excellent operational opportunities. You must keep updated of schedules and adjustments with an automated solution.

This suite of APIs will auto-generate and update existing documents and schedules; at the same time, it will integrate with the other apps in your software; you will keep informed about gigs and adjustments, as well as reviews, facilities and pricing. It is easy to use, whether you are a skilful user for your business, or a gig goer who follows his super-stars. It is at just a click from you: a full service to make your business and your entertainment grow.

