Top 3 Alternatives To Mattermark For Full Contact Data API
4 min readJan 10, 2022

If you want to get any contact data without the necessity of using Mattermark, there are some useful alternatives tools for you.

Contact Data Management (CDM) encapsulates a comprehensive approach to managing your contact data. In today’s competitive market, ensuring that you build and manage a contact or customer data strategy can allow you to differentiate your organization while also allowing you to give better customer service.

Furthermore, contact data include all information about your customers, such as their address, email, and cell phone numbers.

It’s simple to wind up with out-of-date, incomplete and duplicated data as new data enters your database through additional sources. By ensuring that this contact data is of good quality, you will be able to provide better customer service because you will be able to engage with them more promptly and accurately. You’ll also make more accurate decisions because you’ll have one version of the truth for each customer, rather than several records with contradicting data.

In these terms, an Application Programming Interface (API) is the finest technology for obtaining data from your contacts because it allows them to collect data in real-time. An API is a messenger that sends your request to the service provider and then returns the result. APIs have grown ingrained in the Internet’s fabric. If you’re going to make an app, even if it’s just for yourself, you’ll almost certainly need at least one to power it or some of its features.

In that case, employing Mattermark could be a good option. Nevertheless, there is a variety of APIs available on the internet, and not all of them work in the same way or have the same connectors. As a result, we’ve produced a list of the top APIs for you, and your company will perform better as a result:

1- Klazify

Collecting data is a tedious process that is best completed with Klazify, the most advanced way to sort customer data. Klazify helps operate your business by collecting data from various different sources. It categorizes data using an application programming interface (API) based on URL, email address, or domain.

This API is quite accurate when it comes to sorting data because it collects data in an automated manner. It extracts logos, information, market classifications, and domain security levels, among other things.

Klazify uses the same technology to generate over 385 topic groups used by Facebook, Pinterest, and other top ad networks. With it, you can generate a full-funnel audience targeting strategy in seconds. The data can be integrated into different applications. Besides, it allows you to obtain information in programming languages such as JSON, Python, and PHP.

2- is a CRM that specializes in contact management and cold outreach, but they also offer data enrichment via the API. This API can be fully integrated into your platform and provide you with all of the information associated with an email address.

So, all you have to do is enter your prospect’s email address, and you’ll get full lead profiles. Furthermore, allows you to generate additional leads, email verification, and email sending features via API.

3- BlueConic

BlueConic is a customer data platform that gathers the data needed to recognize a person at every interaction and then synchronizes their intent throughout the marketing ecosystem.

This platform is the most important software to maintain since it can collect data from listeners, segments, funnels, and API connections thanks to its analytics. Furthermore, based on the facts, their chats deliver personalized online experiences with clients. By default, it collects a set of profile attributes for all known and anonymous users.

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