Use a Data Enrichment API as a Top 1 Component of a Business Plan
3 min readJun 8, 2022

Try out a data enrichment API as the top component of your business plan! Read this article to get started!

Business plan is important for your business. It helps you to achieve what you want and know where you are going in the future. The main components of a business plan are the market research, marketing strategy, financial information, legal aspects, and how much funding it will take to start up your business. Data is essential as many businesses fail because they do not have enough data to make confident decisions on their business plan

The Importance of Data Enrichment

  • What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a piece of software that allows two programs to interact with one another. APIs are a core part of modern web development and can be used to provide a means of communication between applications, often used by businesses as well as consumers.

It’s just a set of instructions that let different software programs talk to each other. The API will tell you how to get data from one program and put it into another. An API can be used for a variety of purposes, including collecting data from third-party resources to create reports or gather more detailed information about a specific topic.

  • What Is the Meaning of Data Enrichment?

Data enrichment is the process of appending or otherwise enriching acquired data with important context obtained from external sources. To say it in different words, it is the process of refining already existing data to get even more value from it. This may help you gain a better understanding of your clients, tailor the user experience, and so on.

Use a Data Enrichment API

Klazify is an accurate email, URL, and domain data collection platform. Via Klazify it is possible to get any kind of information, sources, or data you may need.

On one hand, this API uses Smart Categorization Technology. But…How? It scans a website’s content and meta tags using a machine learning (ML) engine. It uses natural language processing to collect text from the site and classify it into up to three categories (NLP).

Besides, this software also offers three top-level category structures to choose from. No matter if you need a deep categorization provided by the IAB taxonomy or prefer a more simple category structure you will find it with Klazify.

Furthermore, you can look for any company or website and categorize it (up to 3 category levels). The confidence level (confidence in our API) represents Klazify’s level of trust in the categorization. It can range from 0 to 1, with 1 being extremely secure and 0 being extremely unsafe.

Easy Steps to Use It:

-Log in to to get the API key.

-Copy and paste the URL you are interested in.

-The API will immediately answer you in your preferred programming language. It can be JSON, Python, and PHP.

-Save the information you have recieved.


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