Use This API To Create Charts for Lumber Rates
3 min readApr 18, 2022


Would you like to be able to easily and quickly create charts to analyze lumber rates? If that is your case, we have good news for you!

Wood is in practically all the ecosystems present on planet Earth. It is a material of variable elasticity that can be found naturally in the trunks of trees, since, as we well know, the trunks and most of a tree are made of wood. Currently, it is one of the most exploited raw materials in the world, and this is nothing new, since humanity has been doing the same for millennia.

At the construction level there is a great importance of wood. The construction industry, without a doubt, relies heavily on the processing and use of wood to create its prefabricated houses, as well as to make props, pillars and all kinds of wood that are used to create a house. Wood, having certain properties such as being light, economical, resistant and recyclable, make it ideal as a fundamental pillar of the construction industry. However, the negative part is when this raw material is abused and the forests are deforested.

For countries that use a lot of lumber in the construction of houses and buildings (such as the United States), being up to date with prices is very important. Not only for entrepreneurs but also for people who plan to build their houses. Being alert to these cases is essential to save thousands of dollars. For these situations, it is best to create charts and what better than Commodities-API to do this task.


What is Commodities-API?

Commodities-API started as a simple and lightweight open source API for current and historical commodity rates published by banks and stock exchanges. Thanks to its excellent and efficient service, it can offer data on commodities such as lumber, in real time with an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency of up to 60 seconds. In other words, in just 1 minute we can update the prices and avoid unexpected changes in the lumber.

On the other hand, you surely want to know if this information is safe. Well yes, it is. This API pulls commodity price data from over 15 reputable data sources, sources include banks and financial data companies. Currency and commodity price conversions are handled by the same API endpoints and can be used to convert any amount from one currency to another, from one commodity to another, or from any currency to any currency.

Finally, if you want to create the charts, we recommend you access their website and then, at the top left, you will find the “charts” button. After doing this, you will have to select Commodity or Currency as base, as target and the time (today, this week, this month or this year). That’s it.

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