Use This API To Get Brands By URL
3 min readSep 16, 2022

Today we live with hundreds of thousands of brands, each with its characteristic logo, but it is practically impossible to remember and identify each one.

Luckily we have the best of current object recognition technology and we managed to create our Brand Logo Recognition API.

Imagine being able to identify all the brands around the world with just one API that requests nothing more than an image or video of the brand you want to identify.

In reality it is much better, just by having the URL where the image in question is hosted, the Brand Logo Recognition API system will be able to identify it faster than the blink of an eye.

No, it is not a fantasy or a dream, this is today’s technology and being able to implement it will make your daily tasks easier.

Ok but what is a URL?

Uniform Resource Locator, or URL, is a term. A URL is nothing more than the Web address of a specific, particular resource.

Theoretically, every legitimate URL leads to a different resource. These resources could be an image, a CSS file, an HTML page, etc.

In actuality, there are a few exceptions, the most frequent of which is a URL leading to a resource that has either relocated or vanished.

It is the owner of the web server’s responsibility to properly maintain the resource that the URL represents as well as the URL itself because the Web server is in charge of both.

http:// or https:// ?

The “HTTP” stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It lets the browser know which protocol it’s going to use to access the information specified in the domain.

An “HTTPS” protocol is short for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure” and indicates that information transmitted over HTTP is encrypted and secure.

After the HTTP or HTTPS is the colon ( : ) and two forward slashes ( // ) separate the protocol from the remainder of the URL.

Why is brand recognition so important?

If you want to keep your brand in the minds of consumers, you must improve brand recognition.

Marketers of various companies routinely create numerous visual and aural cues to aid customers in remembering their brands.

They create recognizable logos like McDonald’s Golden Arches, catchphrases like “Just Do It” for Nike, and some of the most recognizable packaging in the world, including Tiffany & Co.

If a brand’s worth can be tied directly to customers, a company is moving in the right direction. For instance, when customers think of soda, Coca-Cola is the first company that comes to mind.

If consumers can recall a product, they are more inclined to buy it. As a result, a corporation increases its market share and sales volume.

Both tiny firms and well-established corporations are ready to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to develop a brand remember because of the benefits it offers.

  • greater amount of sales
  • increased revenue
  • increased market share
  • increased conversions
  • A larger clientele and strong word-of-mouth advertising

All of these advantages result from increased consumer confidence, decreased price sensitivity, improved brand equity, and improved user experiences.

After going over the benefits, let’s move on to the next section and look at the distinctions between brand recognition and brand awareness.

Originally published at

