Use This Gender API Take Your Database To The Next Level
3 min readSep 28, 2022

Do you want to try the best gender detection API? We have a recommendation for you!

Customer segmentation is a great place to start if you want to target your marketing in an efficient method.

You can use segmentation to categorize clients based on various characteristics and to apply messaging that is specifically tailored to their requirements. If you want to perform segmentation based on gender you should get a gender detection API.

Gender segmentation: What is it?

Although both men and women may be included in the target market for a certain product, it is also possible that one gender’s percentage of the market may be higher than that of another. Markets can be divided by enterprises in order to serve the demands of both genders. Additionally, markets may alter their products in order to cater to the needs of a particular gender, thereby supporting the term “gender segmentation.”

5 Ways to Segment Users for Your Ecommerce Store

This allows businesses all across the world to efficiently target different customer segments. The database is split into male and female categories according to gender segmentation.

Men and women both have diverse interests when it comes to shopping for goods like clothing, cosmetics, perfumes, shoes, and even eating habits. A business should have various marketing strategies for men and women in order to overcome this obstacle.

A woman will not buy a product that is made for a man. Similarly, a man won’t purchase a product made for a woman.

Many sectors with portfolios for both men and women need to be segmented according to gender. For instance, Nike, a sportswear firm, maintains separate product lines for men and women. Nike will need to develop distinct marketing plans for its items to appeal to both men and women. Even the showroom itself needs to be divided into sections for men and women, according to the business.

There are various benefits by implementing market segmentation:

First, the company is able to target the niche market and expand its market base.

The second is that it also boosts its ability to compete. A stable business is frequently brought about by happy customers. For instance, if I use a specific brand of shoes for running, I’ll continue to put my trust in that brand when it comes time to purchase a second pair of shoes since I feel confident in both the brand and the shoe’s quality.

Why do we recommend Gender Detection API?

This API will predict the gender of a given name. With high accuracy and support for over 160 countries, you will have the best gender prediction API available.

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

This API will receive a plain text parameter. You will either pass a name or an email, and it will deliver the gender of that name and also, the accuracy of that prediction. Simple as that.

What are the most common uses cases of this API?

Database Sorting

This API is ideal for those companies that want to sort their databases with female and male categorization. It will allow you to have a better approach to your customers or users.

Marketing Purposes

Also, you will have the chance to show ads based on the user’s gender. Have a better campaign targeting by knowing the gender of your users or customers.

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