Use This Marketplace To Sell Your News API
3 min readJun 16, 2022

Are you trying to find the perfect place to monetize your News API? You should keep reading this post!

Today, APIs are an important tool on the internet and there are many ways to market them.

If you’re an API provider and you made a well-designed API you know the next step is selling it. However, when reaching this step a lot of developers think you need to make your own website.

However, you can publish your API in an API marketplace like Zyla API Hub for free and monetize your API easily.

Qué son las API? Cómo debería ser una buena API

What’s an API marketplace?

An API marketplace is a user-friendly public hub where API providers can publish APIs for developers and partners to consume.

The marketplace also allows providers to monetize their APIs, usually by creating a subscription plan (or a variety of different subscription plans).

If you choose to sell your API in a marketplace, they’ll be divided into categories so it’s easier for developers to find and purchase it.

Our recommendation for the best Marketplace is Zyla API Hub if you want to sell your News API here you can do it easily and it’s gonna be placed in the News category.

There is a big benefit for providers who list their API on a marketplace. It enables publishing an API without building payment systems, user management processes, and other complicated infrastructure. This can save money and time, especially for smaller providers who may not have the resources to do this on their own.

Reasons why you should use an API marketplace:

- It allows you to market your APIs to more users and sell your API more with no trouble.

- You could get more feedback from API consumers

- It allows you to capitalize your API by offering different subscription plans.

- It’s easy to use and allows API providers to create and publish their APIs without difficulty.

Monetize your API in Zyla API Hub

There are a lot of ways to monetize an API. Just as APIs are diverse the methodologies for monetizing them also vary. But the best way to do it, and the easiest, is with an API marketplace.

If you want to monetize your API in the Zyla API Hub marketplace, for example, you need to click on and go to developer and then “Add new API”.

Why do developers choose to use a marketplace?

Developers use APIs for all sorts of things. They can help you process payments, send emails and SMS texts, get the current weather, translate between currencies and languages, and much more.

Marketplaces like Zyla API Hub, handle customer acquisition, memberships, key management, rate limits, and payment collection processes so you can focus on just building fantastic APIs.

The Zyla API Hub is widely used due to its security and efficiency, and it’s free! It even includes a free basic API design you can try. Create an account and witness fantastic results in a short amount of time. Monetizing your APIs is simpler than it looks.

The Zyla API Hub is a regulated and functional API marketplace that reflects API commercialization’s future.

This is why you should try it. With it, you can do things such as:

– Discover and connect to APIs.

– API providers can publish APIS for developers and partners to consume

Also, all APIS has a free plan and your credit card isn’t required.

Originally published at

