Valencia Startup Market brings the reality of Valencian technology companies to citizens
3 min readNov 18, 2019


The Innovative Development Area of the Valencia City Council, through València Activa and VIT Emprende, has celebrated the second edition of the VLC Startup Market, an event that has brought together 50 Valencian startups showing their products and services in the Town Hall Square, bringing thus to the citizens the innovation and the technology developed in Valencia.

The commitment for innovation

The Councilor for Entrepreneurship and Economic Innovation, Pilar Bernabé, thanked Deputy Mayor Sandra Gómez for her commitment to promote a sector as important for the city as innovation, promoting events such as the VLC Startup Market “with which we want the Valencians and Valencians know that they have talent in their city and a startup community that will make Valencia a benchmark in innovation ”.

“The Valencia Startup Market is another example of the consolidation of Valencia as a city that offers opportunities, through the creation of a new intelligent economic model that positions the city as a benchmark in the generation of knowledge, talent and quality employment , as well as in the development of technology and innovation, ”said the councilor. During the VLC Startup Market, the Valencia Startup Week was also inaugurated, a week in which the city’s innovative entrepreneurship sector is the real protagonist through events, talks and presentations.

Digitization, innovation and technology available to everyone

In this second edition, the VLC Startup Market has been reaffirmed as a reference event for the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the city, a meeting in which thousands of Valencians have passed through the Plaza del Ayuntamiento to learn about innovations developed in both sectors highly technological as in everyday products.

Thanks to the expansion of stands for startups, which has grown by 20% from the first to the second edition, 50 startups have shown their projects: 3D printing, cybersecurity, decentralized internet, ecological footwear or handmade glass jewelry, are just some of the examples.

The VLC Startup Market opened its doors with an outdoor yoga class, led by Jeff, taking place throughout the day different activities related to digitalization, technology and innovation: exhibitions, networking or talks in which issues have been addressed leading as robotics, artificial intelligence or drones in the industry.

The design has also had a special role, because of the hand of the Association of Designers of the Valencian Community, the impact of design on the development of technologies to improve society has been analyzed. In addition, the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Ministry of Economy has had the exhibition space ‘The work of the future’.

The gaming area, energized by Encom

Dreamhack organizing company has once again become one of the busiest spaces, where attendees have enjoyed the latest developments in the gaming and e-sports sector. The closing of this edition has once again become a Fortnite dance contest, in which dozens of families have participated. In the Startup Battle, the 50 participating startups have presented their project to visitors and a jury of experts from the field of Valencian entrepreneurship.

Another of the great successes of the day has been the children’s area where children have enjoyed workshops, educational and sports activities and games related to innovation and technology. The event has had sponsors of the size of the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Dreamhack, Global Omnium, S2 Group, Caixa Popular and Global Robot Expo.

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