Validate Any American Phone Number In Seconds Using An API
3 min readNov 14, 2022

Do you want to validate any American phone number in seconds? If the answer is yes, you should use this API

Today, contact data is required for any web registration. However, as time goes by, this data becomes outdated or inaccurate. It is even predicted that 5% of the data collected each year is subject to change. This has a major impact on those companies that need to keep in touch with their customers. In itself, sending a single SMS costs money, and this cost increases if the SMS is sent to an international phone number, let alone if you need to call that number.

To avoid wasting time and money with inactive phone numbers, companies can use alternative methods to collect and update their customers’ phone numbers. If they can identify valid phone numbers before the start of an advertising campaign, they can focus only on these to save time, money and increase their customer base. But how do you determine if a phone number is valid? It’s easy. All you need to do is use a phone number validator API!

What Is An API For Phone Number Validation?

You may already be aware that an application programming interface is a group of steps and protocols that permits the direct usage of external software. In order to request and retrieve certain data, two separate software programs can communicate using an API.

Hence, a tool that enables you to determine the origin of a phone number and whether it is still valid is known as a phone number validation API.

Validate International Phone Numbers In Seconds With This Kind Of API

An API is the most effective and efficient approach to checking the legitimacy of a phone number in your contact list, whether it is an international or local number. However, not all APIs that are available online are the best to use. While some of them are trustworthy, many of them are highly imprecise. As a result, we advise using Phone Number Validator API; a reputable and secure API that’s available at Zyla API Hub.

This API handles country prefixes for you automatically, so they won’t be a problem at all! Also, when you enter the number, you will be given information about the nation, the carrier company, and the number’s validity (Verizon, Movistar, Vodaphone, etc.).

How To Validate Any American Phone Numbers With This API

Phone Number Validator API is extremely user-friendly and operates without a hitch. If you take the following actions, you can try it immediately and without spending any money:

  1. Register for an account at Zyla API Hub and obtain an API key. You’ll be able to call APIs using this unique combination of numbers an letters. Also, at this tage you may select the plan you want to employ. Currently this API offers three different plans, one of them no-cost at all!
  2. Before making any API calls, authenticate your API key by including your bearer token in the Authorization header.
  3. Finally, add the phone number you want to validate as a parameter to your API call. After that, perform the API call and wait a short while.

That is all there is for you to do. The rest will be handled by Phone Number Validator API! You will quickly be given details about the phone number, including its carrier company, type, locations, and more! For additional information, visit Zyla API Hub’s website

Related post: Validate Your Contact List With This Phone Number Validator API

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