What Is The Best Ad Tech Platform For Bloggers in 2021?

MediaFem Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2021

AdTech evolves even faster than humans. New programmatic networks take place in no time. Existing ones launch upgrade after upgrade, trying to keep up with their trends. The business never stops, so how do you bring up to date with the machines? Read. Learn. Put on practice.

This modern term refers to an umbrella for advertising technology. It involves a group of software and platforms used by advertisers, ad agencies, publishers, and other industry participants for strategic planning and management of their advertising or monetization campaigns.

What is a Supply-Side Platform (SSP) and Why is It the Best Option for Monetizing Blogs?

This is a piece of AdTech software made for publishers. By using this ad tech solution, publishers can control, sell, and optimize inventory on their blogs and apps.

Just like a DSP (Demand-Side Platform), an SSP is based on an RTB protocol, which means that the publisher places an ad tag or code to their blogs, so the user’s browser could request the ad every time someone visits the blog. Then, the tag will be sent to the SSP, which will process the publisher’s data and request an appropriate ad from the DSP to place it on the blog.

A DSP will suit the publisher’s audience with the advertiser’s targeting, selecting the highest bidder in the procedure. The highest bidder brings the publisher the max possible revenue with a minimal performance from the supply side.

The major aim of ad networks is to match publishers and advertisers and help them make the most of their ad serving. Most advertisement systems use an automated network to put advertisements in assigned areas on your blog or website. When a customer engages with these ads (by seeing them, clicking them, or making an acquisition through the ad) you get a share of the commission, and the rest of it goes to the network.

The good news is that starting and monetizing a blog or a website has never been easier than it is nowadays. Not too long ago, creating a website would’ve cost you thousands of dollars to set up and maintain. Monetizing a website was very difficult.

Now, there are a lot of options for monetizing a blog. But one of the best known in the Ad Tech industry is MediaFem. This is a UK full-service SSP platform, with more than 12 years in activity. It connects Publishers from all over the world to its programmatic demand, via RTB solutions. Their ads are filled with varied content, assuring an almost 100% filling rate. Many publishers around the world use their codes to stimulate users to view more articles on the same site or to increase their revenue for referral traffic.

MediaFem works with open and fixed CPM, however, this is regulated according to the interest of the demand. Their tags generator system is the easiest you may find through every network. Once the publisher is on the platform, only have to select the format, copy the code, and deploy it in the HTML section. It’s easy, quick, and effective.

Powered by a modern predictive engine, the platform equips publishers with capabilities that are vital to digital media success, including A/B testing, intelligent reporting, and personalization features.

Paying in Net53 terms, MediaFem does not charge any sum cost as they work with a Rev. Share model 70% for Publishers. These percentages are consistent, regardless of a publisher’s geographic location, and are not in any way averaged between publishers. Their solutions allow the publisher to choose from header bidding or the traditional One Ad Code option. MediaFem offers all kinds of formats like video, display, mobile, and native.

So here are 3 Benefits for Getting Ads for Your Website from a Supply-Side Platform (SSP)

  • Grow website traffic

Stronger advertising equals more revenue. Websites see significant benefits when they place ads frequently compared to companies that infrequently place ads or not at all.

More people on your site can only mean more engagement, followers, more submissions to your contact form, and more potential users.

Stronger website traffic is good for any kind of website, especially for readers who discovered your content as they were searching for an answer to their questions.

  • Keep current users engaged

Marketing strategies can be time-consuming and overwhelming. And you need to know that ads always follow the attention of your visitors. In order to get more traffic and monetize your blog as well, you will need to hire an ad network which is basically a service that connects online advertisers with website publishers. Having a blog or website is challenging for sure. It’s a long road, and staying motivated is half the battle. It takes time for sure, but the more you commit to it, the more results you will see.

  • Earn money

The amount of money you can make is always related to the number of daily visits that your publication has.

In addition, you can post up to 6 ads per page to get more impressions or click opportunities. Another issue that determines what you can earn is the theme of your website because there are clicks that are worth more than others due to the final performance of the ad.

In general, we can tell you that with an average of visits from a medium-sized website, you could be winning between 50 and 100 a day easily.

Originally published at MediaFem.

