What Is Taxonomy And How Is It Applied In SEO?

3 min readJul 25, 2022


The concept “taxonomy”, etymologically speaking, comes from the Greek terms “taxis”, management, and “nomos”, norm. In biology, the term taxonomy refers to the classification of living beings in hierarchically organized groups ranging from the most generic, such as kingdom or class, to the most specific, such as genus and species. This classification model is fully valid for its application to hierarchical Web structures, which are the most frequent. Keep reading What Is Taxonomy And How Is It Applied In SEO?, we will tell you about this and Text Classification IAB Taxonomy,

So… What Is Taxonomy?

According to Miquel Centelles in Taxonomies for the categorization and organization of information on Web sites; thus, a taxonomy is a type of vocabulary in which all the terms are connect by some structural model (hierarchical, arboreal, faceted…) and specially oriented to the navigation, organization and search systems of websites”.

Indeed, a website must have an adequate organization that facilitates user navigation and accessibility to search engines. Categorizing and prioritizing your content is a key factor for your success and focusing said categorization on the needs, desires, and habits of users will improve not only the usability of the website but also the possibility of positioning yourself for the most popular related searches. A taxonomic system must be clear and consistent, flexible, comprehensive, and practical.

Application of the concept of Taxonomy in SEO

In general, the users of a website do not know what a taxonomy is, but all of them tend to refer to certain characteristics of the products to better specify their searches. From these characteristics, we can deduce what the most frequent search patterns are and they often coincide with the obvious taxonomies for that type of product.

Check Text Classification IAB Taxonomy And Improve SEO

The Content Taxonomy has evolved over time to provide publishers with a consistent and easy way to organize their website content. For example, to differentiate “sports” vs. “news” vs. “wellness” material. IAB Tech Lab’s Content Taxonomy specification provides additional utility for minimizing the risk that content categorization signals could generate sensitive data points about things like race, politics, religion, or other personal characteristics that could result in discrimination.

While the Content Taxonomy itself doesn’t constitute sensitive data — it simply categorizes page content, and does not on its own reveal information about a user –; there are few technical controls preventing taxonomy nodes from associating with individual IDs to build behavioral profiles over time based on content preferences.

Some frequently asked questions…

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)? Just pass the text that you want to categorize and you will be given its IAB taxonomy. Simple as that!

What are the most common uses cases of this API? This API is intended to help those companies with a large amount of data that needs to be sorted by category. Thus, you will be able to gather text by grouping it by category. Besides, ideal for marketing agencies that want to extract data online and want to categorize it as well. Also, helpful to classify sentences or slogans, you will be given the exact categorization in IAB standards.

Are there any limitations with your plans?

Besides API call limitations per month:

Free Plan: 5 requests per second.
Basic: 10 requests per second.
Pro: 30 requests per second.
Pro+: 60 requests per second.

If you want to know more about this API we recommend…

Classify Any Text You Want And Improve Your Business With This API

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

