What is the situation of startups in Europe?

2 min readApr 25, 2019


In 2018 there was more money for European startups than ever before. Even Switzerland is well in the game with 1.3 billion.

The consulting firm EY presents the Europe startup barometer for the year 2018. The study is published every six months and is based on an analysis of investments in European startups. It covers companies whose founding date back no more than ten years.

Risk capital is looser

In 2018, investors have invested so much trust and capital in European startups as never before, 4,200 financing rounds worth a total of 21 billion euros. Some numbers to Switzerland in the abstract.

Financing rounds

The United Kingdom is in the lead with 1,051 rounds. Switzerland has increased by 36 percent compared to the previous year and is in fifth place with 242 rounds of financing.

In most major markets, the number of deals has risen, with only three countries in the top ten declining, Sweden, Spain and Russia.


The UK also has a deal volume of 7.2 billion euros. Switzerland occupies fourth place with almost 1.3 billion.

City ranking

Here, too, clear the British, London leads with 623 deals before Paris and Berlin. 92 deals in Zurich, which puts the Limmatstadt in 6th place.

The startup barometer Europe continues, deeper and brings additional insights to countries, startups and investors.

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

