What Platform Can I Use To Understand Carbon Credits?

2 min readMar 30, 2022


In this post, we will help you understand the role that carbon offsets can play in your life and what is the best platform for you to become an expert in helping the environment. Check this post out!

Measuring and offsetting emissions can be a complicated process. Carbon Credits are a unique asset class of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) that can be traded with other entities to reduce carbon emissions.

Carbon Credits come in many forms, but the most tradable form is the one that provides proof that an entity or person has reduced its carbon footprint.

Think of it like balancing a checkbook; you spend too much, you’ll need to spend less before payday, or if that’s not an option, you could transfer some money from another account.

Now, if you want to get started you need a platform that makes buying, selling, and understanding carbon credits simple; allowing individuals, businesses, and organizations the ability to buy carbon credits, invest in projects, and understand their impacts.

That is why we recommend you try this API!


CarbonAPI calculates your carbon footprint as a result of your emission-causing actions. This API aims to contribute to the solution to climate change. With the information provided by the API, you can think about projects to compensate for the environmental damage.

CarbonAPI enables you to have accurate carbon emissions calculations and facilitate the purchase of environmentally-friendly offsets; so they can offset the emissions resulting from transportation and other energy use.

CarbonAPI supports projects that meet or surpass the most severe international carbon offsetting laws; and they are extensively monitored and validated daily to verify that they are reducing carbon emissions.

You can also use this API to calculate how many trees you need to make paper and the carbon emissions of cars and the supply chain.

How To Start Using CarbonAPI?

You must go through a simple registration process:

  1. Go to CarbonAPIwww.trycarbonapi.com
  2. Create an account that provides basic information about yourself and your daily activities.
  3. Start calculating your footprint.

For additional information, go to https://www.trycarbonapi.com/faq

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

