Which Native Ads Will Get The Most Attention In 2021?

MediaFem Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2021

Native advertisements are just sponsored content. Whether it’s blogs, data, or photographs, anyone can make them, businesses can buy them, and publishing sites can sell them.

You might be wondering, “How does native advertising differ from a different type of advertisement?” To be identified as a truly native ad, the material must follow the publication’s or website’s set esthetic tone and style, as well as offer the level of detail that the reader requires.

These things made native advertisements more difficult to spot since they frequently blend in with “organic” material. The lack of direct regulations or guidelines on how publishers must recognize native advertising, as well as reporting standards that vary considerably from one site to the next, makes things even more confusing.

It’s also important to note that native advertising isn’t necessarily linked to content marketing. Unfortunately, the two locations’ proximity, as well as their names’ similarity, frequently leads to confusion.

Native Ads: What They Are And What They Aren’t

The Interactive Advertising Board divides native advertising options into six categories. These advertising can be shown on any publisher’s website or blog:

Content Recommendation Engine Widgets

At the end of some articles, audiences will see widgets with the headers “Recommended for You” or “You Might Also Like…” These widgets, also known as content recommendation engines, will be used by brands to drive traffic straight to their domains by leveraging the audience of publishers. Content suggestion widgets are useful for publishers who wish to expand their audience or marketers that utilize content marketing to increase sales. The key for advertisers is to build relationships with publishers who can drive traffic back to their sites.

Promoted Listings

Promoted lists are used by e-commerce sites to show marketed brands first, generally in a display window. In addition to getting labels to the head of the line, promoted listings are becoming more cost-effective. Customers will not be charged for advertising listings until the listing sells.

Paid Search Ads

Paid search ads are similar to sponsored listings in that they appear at the top of search engine results pages for users. They’re utilized for both search engine adverts and search results on existing websites.

Obviously, it varies by publication, but the terms “sponsored listing” and “paid search ad” frequently mix. Advertisers are placed at the top of a customer’s search results thanks to promoted listings on many networks. They also suggest companies based on the searcher’s current location and previous preferences for such businesses or organizations.

In-Feed Units

In-feed units support sponsored material within a publication’s natural news catalog. Advertiser-sponsored material is displayed alongside original material in a stream or presentation. Despite the fact that the material is marked as sponsored, it blends in perfectly with the publisher’s overall experience.

In-Ad With Native Elements

Native advertising appears to be ordinary advertising, but it is contextually relevant to the publisher. For example, a fast-food business may promote its own patented meals on websites that include user-generated recipes.

Custom Ads

Contextual advertising that does not fit into a specified framework is referred to as “custom advertisements” by the IAB. Spotify will offer you playlists for vehicles for sale or vehicle accessories if you construct a playlist for automotive tunes, for example.

Many networks monetize web pages and blogs using native adverts. However, you must choose the finest solution for your domain. MediaFem is among the most well-known native advertisement networks in 2021. This is a network situated in the United Kingdom that has been using programmatic advertising for over 13 years. Ad codes are used by a huge number of websites to allow readers to read additional articles on the same site or to generate cash from referral traffic.

Publishers can utilize the platform, which is driven by a cutting-edge analytical engine, to undertake A/B testing, smarter reporting, and personalization, all of which are critical to online technology’s success. Publishers can select between header bidding and the usual One Ad Code option for their services. This ad network offers a variety of ad types, including video, display, mobile, and native.

Publishers pay in Net53 terms, and MediaFem does not charge fees. They use a 70 percent Rev. Share model. These figures are shared among all users, regardless of their location, and they’re not averaged. MediaFem is the most popular platform for advertisers and small publishers to make large amounts of money since you may pick any type of ad that best matches your website or blog.

You can sign up to MediaFem here.

Originally published at MediaFem.

