Why Do Companies Use The User Randomizer API?

3 min readOct 28, 2022


Do you need user data for your applications? When creating applications, we need data to do the tests, and User Agent Generator API; can be of great help because it creates data for us to test the applications; it provides gender, name, address, email, password, telephone, and more. Therefore, continue reading Why Do Companies Use The User Randomizer API?

To carry out a project with applications we often need to enter test data to finally see how the project logic turned out. What is commonly happening?

We run into a limitation, we are not creative enough to invent data that seems valid; or close to real life so we cannot help improve the tests of the application we have in mind.

Fortunately, there is User Agent Generator API. What is? It comes to us to solve our problem of having to invent data to test applications; especially related to user management. I tell you that the web page is basically an API to which a GET request is made and the data about the user is returned. What type of data? gender, name, address, email, and password.

It also provides data such as telephone, mobile, and a link to an image. These data are sufficient for any user administration module that we implement; in addition, interested parties can request several records at the same time, or specify the gender of the user. Apparently, User Agent Generator API is very useful to carry out the necessary tests in an application, don’t you think so?

A test with users or a test with people? What is that?

User testing is a technique for assessing the usability and interface of a website, application, product, or service by asking actual users to carry out certain tasks under testing-like circumstances.

Researchers that work for the company conducting the assessment frequently observe users.

The purpose of this procedure is to evaluate the usability of the website or app, identify any areas of confusion, identify areas that can be improved, and determine whether or not the product is prepared to be made available to actual people.

In the user test, a number of participants — all of whom must be members of the target audience — have to carry out a number of standard tasks on a website, app, or mockup.

Every action and statement made by the test subject is recorded, examined, and then analyzed as data.

User Agent Generator API

So, User Agent Generator API is an extensive database of (325.000+ user agent strings) user-agent strings which are quickly accessible with a simple endpoint. We offer to filter the random results with many parameters such as operating system, device type, and browser. Generate random User Agents with this API for your projects. Be able to scrape or access any website as the User Agent of your choice.

This API will receive the selected device and operating systems of your choice and it will deliver a randomly generated User Agent. After signing up, every developer gets a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to the API endpoint. To authenticate with the User Agent Generator API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.

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Thank You For Reading Why Do Companies Use The User Randomizer API?!

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

