World Savings Berlin Fintech expands worldwide trusted by the British market
2 min readFeb 6, 2019


A year ago, Fintech Weltsparen, known outside of Germany as Raisin, announced the entry of PayPal. Now the Berlin startup announces that it has received another 100 million euros of capital from investors. The money comes next to the existing investors, such as Rabbit Capital, also from Paypal.

This capital injection could allow world savings to expand further. After the British market has already been tapped with the acquisition of PBF Solutions, fintech now wants to tap into the Italian and Irish markets. An expansion outside Europe is also conceivable, but there are still no concrete plans here.

A valuable startup, mostly for the solution it offers

There are no concrete statements about the current value of Weltsparen / Raisin, but observers estimate it to be around 800 to 850 million euros. Thus, World Savings is about to jump into the rank of companies with a rating of one billion.

For the World Savings Chief, however, it is clear that the value of a company only becomes tangible with an IPO. However, a stock market listing is earliest planned in three to four years. Before that, both the number of customers should be increased and the profit zone reached.

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