Mystery Solved: Who is Bitcoin’s Satoshi Nakamoto?

Alec Shutze
1 min readDec 19, 2017


The Invisible Man

Just maybe Satoshi Nakamoto isn’t a “who”, but a “what”!

Could Satoshi Nakamoto, simply be an anagram which unscrambled spell’s “Akita’s Moonshot”?

Allow me to explain.

A “Moonshot” by definition is an ambitious, exploratory and ground-breaking project undertaken without any expectation of near-term profitability or benefit and also, perhaps, without a full investigation of potential risks and benefits…

Here’s Google’s definition of a moonshot:

A project or proposal that:

  1. Addresses a huge problem
  2. Proposes a radical solution
  3. Uses breakthrough technology

Sound familiar? That is Bitcoin! No wonder the letter’s found in his full name spell out “Moonshot”

Using the remaining letters, “Akita” happens to be the main testing ground of Japan’s first ever space rocket exploration program in 1955, as well as the location of Japan’s current Space Program which will attempt its first ever Moon landing in 2018! A true Moonshot….

Who knows if I am right or not, but the anagram theory is a fun one! Can you think of another anagram using SAIAKAT?

