Happiness Fuels Success

Aleena Muneer
3 min readMar 15, 2019


It is the dilemma of our society that each and every person is running after success to get happiness, and the success I am talking here is money and fame. To be successful, to be rich and famous is what we are striving for, working hard and even harder, utilizing all our energies, forgetting even ourselves to achieve this success, so that we’ll get happiness, but ultimately after all these efforts the outcome is never happiness. Why??

Because this order and this mindset of being happiness is totally wrong, success don’t make us happy but yes! being happy and believing in ourselves definitely increase our work productivity and lead us towards success.

‘’The more you believe in your own ability to success the more likely it is that you will.’’ (Shawn Achor)

Happiness is not something affected and controlled by external factors, it is something connected to your soul, your inside. It is the result of the way you think and behave to certain situations. Basically it comes by your positive thinking and optimistic behavior. Stop being negative!

‘’Constantly scanning the world for the negative comes with a great cost. It undercuts our creativity, raises our stress levels, and lowers our motivation and ability to accomplish goals.’’ (Shawn Achor)

So, basically what we have to do is change our perception towards the happenings around us. Try to think positively. Try to find out positive aspects of everything. And when we’ll think positively, our brain will work more energetically in reflection of these positive rays, making us more efficient and productive thus fueling success.

This is something I’ve learned from my experiences. I am a person always struggling with negative thoughts and depression. If things don’t go the right way I immediately start thinking of negative outcomes and get depressed. I am experiencing this from the day 1 of my final year research. If I am not getting procedures, or chemical I have to use are not available or I am not getting results or nothing is proceeding, what I do is take a lot of tension and get depressed and it eventually affect my work productivity.

After listening to a TED talk by Shawn Achor, I decided to stay happy, whatever the situation might be. I tried to change my mindset and behavior by practicing five key steps to boost happiness explained by Shawn:

  • Bring Gratitude to mind
  • Journal
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Random acts of kindness

What I practiced and found most useful to relieve my stress and boost happiness is being thankful of what you have in your life instead of thinking about what you don’t and reviewing your day to find what positive thing happened to you that day. This will really make you think positively and make you happy.

Secondly, exercise is the major stress reliever. A 15 minute exercise per day boosts your thinking ability and make you fresh and happy. Doing random kindness acts is also very soothing to mind. I am still working on practicing all these steps and want you all to do so :)

We all in this world of hustle are really in need of being genuinely happy. Be happy to be successful, not successful to be happy.

‘’For me, happiness is the joy we feel striving after our potential’’ (Shawn Achor)

At the end, I want you all to take this challenge:

When a negative thought enters your mind, think three positive ones! TRAIN YOURSELF to flip the script!

