
Aleen Zahra
2 min readJun 23, 2024


If a man knew that he melted his mother’s bone to live, he would not even know how to repay or reward her.
Now a question will arise in your mind, a child melt his mother’s bones to live? how?
My answer is yes.
ALLAH Almighty has placed the child in the womb of a woman in a very salty liquid, purposely to reduce the weight of the child so the mother can carry the child easily though it is not that easy. To provide the food, through a cord child is connected to the mother what she eats will reach the child too. Normally in pregnancy woman’s appetite decreases but it does not affect the child if the mother doesn’t eat food child will not miss anything because some glands in the mother’s body reach to melt the teeth and bones to replace the missing nutrition in the child.
Therefore, upon getting old most of the women’s knees and bones hurt. So, the mother feeds you by melting her bones, and we as children are not able to refund the sacrifices she made for us. She kept us in herself for nine whole months, sacrificing her night sleeps and ambitions of her life to raise us. She sacrifices her prime time of life to make you a good human.
How are we going to reward her:
• Make her feel special; no matter how busy you are in your life, with your family, with your work manage to spend one hour with your mother and listen to her as she did when you were not able to speak. Talk about your childhood because that time is her tressure. Appreciate her for the sacrifices she made for you. Above all, tell her how much you love her before it’s too late.

