Gossip Dies When It Hits a Wise Person’s Ears

Aleesha Asghar
2 min readJun 11, 2023


Imagine you’re engrossed in a conversation, and suddenly, the topic shifts to someone who isn’t even present. Ah, yes, the infamous gossip. But hold on for a second. Have you ever wondered why gossip is like a venomous snake slithering through our relationships?

Gossip, my friends, is ‌idle chatter that can wreak havoc faster than you can say “juicy rumors.” It’s a toxic brew of negativity and harmful tales about others. Not only does it hurt the person being gossiped about, but it also corrodes trust and leaves behind a trail of broken friendships.

Why do people indulge in gossip? Well, it’s like a guilty pleasure. Some do it out of boredom, seeking a thrill from someone else’s drama. Others do it to boost their egos, feeling superior by putting someone else down. But guess what? None of these reasons are worth the damage gossip inflicts.

But fear not, my wise companions! There’s a way to break free from the gossip trap and restore harmony in your relationships. Let’s unveil the secrets of the wise ones who have mastered the art of dodging gossip.

Step one:

Mindful words. Pause before you speak and ask yourself, “Is this kind? Is this necessary?” Choose words that uplift rather than tear down.

Step two:

Shut it down. When the gossip train comes rolling in, be the conductor of change. Change the subject, divert the conversation, or simply excuse yourself. Refuse to hop aboard the gossip express.

Step three:

Build ’em up! Instead of tearing others down, focus on highlighting their positive qualities. Become a cheerleader for those around you and celebrate their accomplishments.

Step four:

Compassion matters. Remember that behind every person’s story are battles fought and scars hidden. Practice empathy and choose kindness over criticism.

When you choose to resist gossip, you become a superhero, defending friendships and fostering a positive environment. You become the wise one who crushes gossip under their feet like a triumphant conqueror.

So, my friends, let’s make a pact. Let’s shatter the chains of gossip and choose the path of wisdom. Together, we can create a world where trust is cherished, relationships flourish, and positivity reigns supreme.

Gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears. Will you be one of them?

