The Sad Truth About Develop on Linux

3 min readJan 23, 2024

As a software developer, I have extensive experience with various Linux distributions, including Mint, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, and Kali. My exploration of these operating systems has been driven by a combination of curiosity and a desire for new experiences, especially when I find myself seeking a change. Throughout my journey, I’ve utilized these Linux distributions for a range of purposes, from professional work to personal entertainment. During this time, I’ve encountered several issues that have both challenged and expanded my understanding of these systems.

It’s Not Just an OS, It’s a Labor of Love:

Linux can be a lot like an old car that’s packed with sentimental value. You know, the kind where you’ve put in hours of work, making it look cool and run smoothly. But using it as your everyday ride? That can be a headache. Things break, and you’re always tinkering under the hood, spending time you don’t always have. And at the worst possible moments, it might just let you down.

Linux needs constant maintenance and sometimes you have to mess with stuff you really don’t want to. You might just want to install a program and have it work, but ignoring small issues? They only grow bigger. And sometimes, installing one thing can mess up something else that was working just fine. Then you’re left with a…

