20 Things To Do Instead of Scrolling Through Your Phone

Daily micro-habits to help you be more focused and calm every day.

Aleid ter Weel
Peak Productivity


Research shows the majority of Americans spend a full waking month out of every year on their phone.

Approaching my second year of being a digital minimalist and Instagram-free, I can say from experience that efforts to quit your favorite social media platform and unplugging from your phone can prove challenging by the demands of family, friends, and work.

Nevertheless, change is possible — it just takes time and is most sustainable when done gradually: starting with tiny improvements first and building stronger momentum and inspiration over time.

Here are 20 small daily habits you can start right now to begin the process of spending less time on your phone.

#1. Stick to Your Plans

Smartphones make it easy to waver. You can always make last-minute changes to plans by texting a quick apology when running late or flaking entirely.

Try to honor appointments with loved ones. Stick to plans and respect the time you have reserved to be together. In addition, keeping promises and commitments to friends and families builds stronger and more trustful relationships.



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